
http://www.beatsbydrinus.com ds was this open co

Outside walk.
The cheerless youth dares not believes, unexpectedly so smoothly, oneself's a group of people ran out an evening in addition to the barbarian's warrior that defends in own yard unexpectedly have no a barbarian's warrior to defend, more than 100 criminals don't dare to celebrate, but each other of excitement of the vision expressed the facial expression of the excitement of a group of person.
"Eldest brother, we succeeded, where do we walk now?"The youth of tattoo walks to nearby small voice's saying of the youth of Yin Yu.
"Arrive inside in the forest first!"The youth of Yin Yu now on the contrary has some to take a doctrine uncertain, oneself's a group of people rushes out so smoothly, being not what scheme?
Suddenly he thoughted of, oneself at the beginning at the time that a group of people arrived, Mo Yan Chou ever with their words, was this open country really as terrible as what they said?But at present this time, is returning to?That can be a joke."Always the people legend forgets Huang originally an only then the wild beast can exist of place, is this true?"Rush in, cheerless youth with no reason thought of that have been spreading in the legend of mainland.
"No matter, no matter how it is, I want to put together."The cheerless youth did own decision, also come to a decision all destinies that follow behind own person.
After getting into forest, they start in the forest, shuttle and want to find out a place of mountain range that was suitable to once wear Angola Si, then leave the place with terrible fame.
"Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"The huge clock that gets lord mansion top anxiously rang when the sky didn't°yet be bright.
"Eldest brother,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, they discovered us!"Tattoo youth to anxiously say to the youth of Yin Yu."Be free, we have already got into forest, , they not seek us, even if is Ultrasaurus also is not likely to see of pure forest the thing of the underneath."The youth of Yin Yu says very cool-headedly, then continues to lead a troops beginning to go forward.
"Eldest brother, I how have a kind of felling for becoming numb, always feel to have to what things stare at us!"Tattoo youth fore enter medium say to the youth of Yin Yu.
"It is afraid of.We so many people, have what well afraid of?"The cheerless youth also has this felling, but oneself comforter he or she.
Suddenly, a long long of the wolf roar voice spread very far good far."The speed that all people all start stepping on it, hoping these wolves be not heel at ownly and after death.
"Get lord adult, get lord adult!"Anne reaches Su to don't talk "bang bang" that the door of sorrow knocks
The door comes out to come after opening of but is that Su who didn't wake up is thin.
", Thin young lady Su, get lord adult at?"Anne reaches although Su is very shocked,did not express.
", How?He drinks many, is going to bed!"Su is thin to exhaustedly ask Anne to reach Su.
"The prisoner ran, those emperors all delivered of person, two people didn't run, besides which, , all otherly ran!"Anne reaches Su to anxiously say to thin Su.
Su is thin is also a surprised, this kind of affair is forgetting Huang to still keep first taking place at first, Su was thin don't know as well how is good.
"You wait for a second here, I go in to call him!"Finish saying, Su was thin and then closed door, then walked into.
Anne reaches Su is outside the door just after hearing an inside a burst of shout voice, and having a conversation, see a door again of be opened, but Mo Yan Chou already naked emergence at door after, inside unexpectedly still have rare airtight young lady.
Anne reaches Su to hurriedly lower the head and spoke an affair to Mo Yan Chou 1 time.
Mo Yan Chou after finishing listenning to, stand to think an affair over there, rare airtight take a coat, to Mo Yan worry to cover with at body up.
"So, you show people, can find out them, don't seek far, now is a midnight, conveniently ask those two persons who leave, see they know into where go to?The words known come back from connecting them for the hurry parties person, if really can not find, wait tomorrow daytime see.Really can not find, wait to accept corpse for them, you go to with those two people say clear, we want to save those people.Like, other affairs, wait tomorrow again say."Mo Yan Chou after finishing saying, turn round to close a door, return to immediately after go to bed, leave Anne to reach Su after reflecting a short while, just run to carry out own task.
Once Mo Yan Chou close a door, direct toward own bed up walk.But rare airtight and Su Be thin to then prepare to be leaving.
"Your stem what go to?"Mo Yan Chou looking at two people.
"We return to a sleeping!"Two misses didn't like lookinging at of spirit Mo Yan Chou.
"Still return to stem what?All what time, does the outside positive chicken fly a dog to jump now, you manage to pool here from I for a night calculate!"Mo Yan Chou walks over and then pulls two people to go to bed together."What are you dry?"Is rare airtight struggle.
"We go to bed together!Such a bed!You trust, all this ordered, a short while will get up, hurry Mi meeting!Tomorrow can have no time to go to bed!Still want favour for a day!"
After Mo Yan Chou presses two misses to lie down, oneself also lies at bed up, luckily this bed made it greatly in those early years, enough three bottoms that person lies!

Volume 2:Chapter 193 of the second step development freedom and hope
Renew time:2009-10-1011:28:04 chapter word numbers:3394

"Adult, yesterday we parties person along their trace, until the edge of forest, because was too black at the mid-night, frightened in case of what affair, so have never sent a person to continue thorough look for!"Anne reaches the circumstance that Su makes collective report a search toward Mo Yan Chou.
"Boon, do like this very right!"Mo Yan Chou ordered to nod, then considered an affair.
"You go to two those don't escape of bring, I ask words!"Mo Yan Chou is on an equal footing to wait of Anne reach Su to order.
Anne reached Su to turn round to walk to go out after finishing listenning to.
"Adult please make me send a person to go to and grasp these guys back!Unexpectedly rush through to escape!"Hemp through cut up rough in a side of say.
Mo Yan Chou didn't answer, just took a look hemp through, then continue to consider own affair over there.The attitude like this lets hemp through very suffered.
"Adult, are you exactly how to think?Do we make them escape like this?This absolutely be challenge to our 1 kinds and indignity!"Hemp through see Mo Yan worrying to have no message of reply and at last and finally canning not containing any more to ask out.
"This affair exactly to one of our examination, explain that our having too many places don't notice!"Mo Yan Chou didn't answer, but over there to hemp through say.Result hemp one Leng that pass through listen to one Leng of.
"Wait I to finish asking" decides again how do, you have to have a little patience some."Mo Yan Chou sees hemp through still just there anxious and fretful discomfort, finally cant not bear to the heart let the subordinate of oneself, this loyal is getting more suffered again.
"Adult, the person brought."Anne reaches Su to come in to report to Mo Yan Chou.
"Take to come in."Mo Yan Chou lightly says.Knife Ba and bare-headed are greatly bound by five flowers of pushed to come in, two people's behinds all stood an evil spirit is very bad of barbarian's warrior, all of these barbarian's warriors are the angry expressions of full faces, it is thus clear that last night's affair makes these simple, but feeling of honor the strongest barbarian's warrior of warrior felt what exasperation.
"You what is this a stem?"Mo Yan Chou towards Anne to reach Su to say, but Anne reach Su and a public didn't understand Mo Yan Chou is what mean.
"What do you bind their stem?To run also use to wait until now?Didn't all not follow a somebody else to walk last night?You, be really throw a person for me, also need not brain wants an affair."Mo Yan Chou helplessly towards oneself these fight brave, but a to use the time of brain, on the small affair of especially some details, have a little not that working under charges to say.
But this sentence let Xun just still all people of one face angry expression all felt ashamed and hurriedly gave knife Ba and bare-headed will Related articles:

