
Beats by Dr Dre studio the congress also fe

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From found a nation to arrive at now.Is Chinese navy the performance ground almost describe with"having no is overly critical".Although last year because of German Shi Pei fleet ground problem and English method fleet's acrossing half Indian Ocean is with swords unsheathed and bows drawn.Chinese navy uses a southern fleet and then lets the other party doesn't dare eastern enter.This really soars the people morale.Plusing Chinese national strength again to upsurge public finance is lenient.So overwhelming majority the citizen embrace to sympathize with mental state to the navy.The public opinion almost simultaneously falls on the ground to support navy.Even the congress also feels that biggest the pressure starts someone's proposal to want the modification"1918 navy bill"-even if right to land dint in the congress wants to see this president Tan Yan ground expression of eyes.But now to male party inner part to the navy embrace sympathize with noble-minded person be regarded as many.Modify bill to there are naturally some two line party groupings putting forward end vote up still have ground a calculate ground ……
However the congress modifies "1918 navy bill" before December decides.Attend a national defense meeting in person at Tan Yan of November 6.Recalled resume on the meeting don't descend Huang Zhong Ying ground navy pair commander member Chen En Tao-Chen En Tao is a Sino-Russian naval battle ground hero.Firmly"thermodynamic power parties""huge cannon godfather".Is such a pole to have influence ground the navy will get directly be postponed a Le throughout by Tan.Is just 54 years old then and gloomily have already left navy that he has a passion for to return to old house Fuzhou to retire to enjoy life.In addition to Chen En Tao outside.Tan Yan at a stretch still recalled total chief of staff of navy and northern fleet commander member and chief of staff.Southern fleet chief of staff ……the big strength almost let all attend meeting a personnel dumbstruck.And be sent to great and earnest hope ground Huang Zhong Ying then in the whole meeting a words didn't also to connect Huang Zhong>oneself be also kicked out military committee.
Although Tan Yan has never publicly once announced what speech.But the personnel earthquake of this navy's all ascending to the owners a lesson-president vividly has never lost a power.He ground the will can not falter!Originally relatively saw well modify bill because of this national defense meeting the ground congress decided in December in impressive beginning with poor ending ground ending.Is original and then occupy in the congress absolute advantage ground to Mr. the party don't have a personal hurl to approve a ticket.This modification nature flies smoke to put out like the foam general ash.
"Is British two months ago navy major rather drove a puppy type fighter jet's landing large cruiser should say that this is the ground to land in the warship , in the first-time airplane professional that drive in the great anger number.Not and in a couple of days behind little more than rather and again landings ground time.The airplane turns over a warship to fall to into sea|rather the major also immediately dies for job ……this great anger number cruiser is British brave large light cruiser ground No.3 warship.Didn't°yet the completion of work ground accepted to refit to install end of the tail lord cannon under the circumstance.The forepart is refitted into runway and machined database will again get into dockyard to accept a further reformation according to the intelligence report great anger number.
Our expert is analytical, be like brave large cruiser like this have no how much actual meaning, the affirmation of British wants thoroughly and reforms great anger number with the demand of orientation airplane, it is very likely that British wants to be finished the great anger number to let airplane above it new warship of take-off and landings, in regard to function this and ours'emperor class'the vessel is just about ……"Wen Ji Yan use very quiet euphonic do a briefing to Tan Yan.
"Ours'Qin Shi huang'how?"Tan Yan asks a way.
"'Qin Shi huang'of construct to build a warship very smoothly and in fact, we have no problem, and airplane six airplane design hospitals also all took out his/her own design project on time, six airplanes motor adoptions that design a project of is protect settle aviation motor factory'Kun Lun-9'type motor.According to at the beginning leading the competition mechanism into in the design project come of principle, six design hospitals are divided into two, a batch of designs hangs the bomber of carrying the bomb, another a batch of designs is responsible for the fighter jet of air battle, certainly according to rule any design hospital if think oneself has ability, can design bomber and fighter jet at the same time.Six design hospitals very clear, we will give them three opportunities, is also in the decade inside they each design hospital want to design three styles of airplanes, this is the first-time opportunity, the qualified can own his/her own airplane manufactory, for the second time opportunity equally and thus the third time will turn off to merge two design hospitals ……"
"Kun Lun-9" type motor is China currently the best motor, is protect to settle an aviation motor the factory and prosperous machine factory in Tienjin cooperates of achievement, have been being to have the initiative the item of development in internal combustion engine China, from usher in technique to oneself to develop to make this process to exactly walk through quick 20 years.Probably BE
Chinese aviation motor of original history frustrated development process, Tan Yan gets empty a motor of code hat with"Kun Lun" but Kun Lun-9 motors are in the process of seeing to would be this in his eyes in most is the part of the essence-Kun Lun-9 aviation motors are just for Section 1s in China for use by the military airplane but the fighter jet of development, but according to at the beginning Tan Yan request for use by the military fighter jet to have to can load one a ton the or so battle equips, with the Kun Lun-9 motor powers come to a 1,00< tile.
In fact Tan Yan knows two to fight the ex- sail aircraft carrier carries to there is still in the machine a sharp attack weapon-torpedo machine.In fact the attack is like to fight a row warship then skin Cao meat thick sea jumbo, the effect of the torpedo should is no more lousy than bomb, particularly is carried by airplane heavy bomb impossibly and too big, and slightly make the time of consideration in ining the clout rate and the request airplane can load one ton or so battle material is also in consideration of want to hang to carry torpedo, however the torpedo weight in nowadays far above one ton, the torpedo taking airplane as to battle platform still needs to be carried on develop Tan to postpone under existing science technique level don't embrace to have to hope too greatly towards canning satisfy to battle to need of torpedo machine-even if in addition to pinning up a torpedo"light plank" to go to battle this torpedo machine, the torpedo like this is more limited towards fighting a row warship of threatenning, knowing any Chinese torpedo will never be the airplane in nowadays can take of get up of, Tan Yan also can give up this captivating viewpoint.
Tan Yan orders a way after listenning to:"Fighter jet we can slowly, need not infliction too big pressure, but the bomber needed to add for them to press.I the needing having the bomber of enough strength prove what our navy exactly needs for those guys with this!"
"Because our rules design very ruthlessness, these six design hospital pressures are among them all very big, have was five to all adopt two sets of projects proceed together a design of set road, and each big college much head hunting are all 23 and dig a person at the same time, compete in the whole country very vigorous.As for design of have the initiative a problem, I see to give them next document and request that they have to take out a set of bomber design project within two years, according to work project in regard to the construction strength in nowadays start emperor is not and greatly may complete work, this also at the right moment catches up progress ……"Wen Ji Yan say,Beats by Dr Dre studio.
"We similarly don't contend for rate of speed this time, British's great anger number's surely probably becoming the first battle platform that exclusively becomes airplane's on the water is what it after all is a half to tell ship body structure in house ascends not is want to change and then change.Together the east cloud class war the row warship is similar, we want Yao not to make moves to do best!However speak of to the best battle district of aircraft carrier still just regions, such as Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean...etc., the environment of Atlantic's combining isn't suitable for aircraft carrier to carry on an aviation battle unexpectedly even if lead up several 10-year empress airplane still very difficult overcome bad weather environment in district in Atlantic ……change the competition of modern style weapon at the navy in, our opponents are opposite United States, what new news does the domestic affairs department have to this?"Tan Yan asks a way.
"American aspect seems to have his/her own airplane towards extending the airplane to nautical of viewpoint being very interested in, American navy also towards being used as the navy's future viewpoint of airplane to combine not much, but some army's airplane pilots.Even if such, the American is apart from conceiving of aircraft carrier to be still farer, however England refits great anger number is no longer a secret, the American soon imitates England to construct or is to reform his/her own aircraft carrier, certainly in this aspect in regard to the American's natural disposition, reform a large freighter or old warship into sail the mother's possibility biggest ……"Wen Ji Yan say with a smile.
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