The aborigine of that world, of so the meeting would like to follow an owner, probably is because own on your body heel radicle Yi Jia the superior is same, even more strong of the breathing of the Huo radicle civilization living creature, they follow behind in the radicle Yi Jia nearby having of the superior very long time, to radicle Yi the Jia superior's special breathing acquaint with very much, but very unfortunately, radicle Yi Jia the superior is similar to you.All belong to the heel Huo radicle civilization unusual living creature from the same body.That kind of the special life magnetic field motion is nearby different from all living creatures, very easily let of the living creature produce a very strong impression.Have been already deteriorated Maya of originality living creature with lose the thin Er of memory, meet your momentary of owner.Can not control feelings of mean to become intimate with.Certainly also have relation with this."
Tingle Fan to wash however, although the Xiang hasn't been once bringing uped own civilization,it represents of 4 Wei low Xian astrospace in of Huo radicle civilization, really similar to the secretary on the numb Fan body, belonging to the same a Huo radicle the civilization is 1 type, once all hemp fans appear, the thin Er and Maya cans not control feelings of drive tingle Fan draw on.The scheme of subconscious wants to become intimate with the living creature that sends forth to acquaint with feeling.
The Can looking at to tingle Fans very hard:"Owner, the matter arrives at present, a lot of affairs should also tell you.Probably I have never lifted, but I want to tell your BE, the match Bo Tan civilization represented by me, actually have been already perished, and thin Er and Maya originally the space of place, also not is be like you guess of belong to the same this cosmos the space of place with us now so …"
He is tiny wrinkly to knit the brows.Seem at consider to use what kind of phrase language to explain, after wanting to think way:"Or say.Their world.Basically isn't a normal astrospace, but a not- normal status of confused time and space, pass by around ten thousand years of of research, my finally understanding that world is a what kind of place.In that space, don't have a complete world, all from the materials that some planets that have been already demolished in this normal astrospace produce form, is the positive ether space with differs from to be full of positive grain son, positive energy, and be full of a true grain son, take a place of the negative ether space of energy, neither belong to a positive cosmos nor belong to a negative cosmos there, probably lie both of a space in the boundary …" Usually come to say, so abstruse theory knowledge, hemp Fan is don't understand, however majority can comprehend the meaning of Can, is a place that is located in a plus or minus, the words means with the number, probably be 0, "medium of".
"Zero spaces?"The Can is very surprised to the ego comprehension of hemp Fan, nod:"Although isn't very accurate,about is this meaning!This zero spaces pass some with the heavenly body that the Earth person's knowledge level can comprehend, for example"black hole, white hole and insect hole, of the passage of type.Communicate plus or minus ether space, over there, exist have been already perished in the positive cosmos of, even in have been already demolished of civilization and planet of"cast shadow
The Can saw numb Fan one eye:"The owner thinks" casts shadow, is those"soul"s of civilizations and planets that have been already demolished or"ghost.All can, in a word is those civilization and planet in the positive astrospace the material reorganization is in zero spaces after of outcome, at, female boundary not is believe in whole of but is been zero spaces by a "the fragment constitutes, Han from imagination", is one matchless huge.Filled up the ball of one one broken glass in internal space, each time the one broken glass is all positive astrospace is any surprisingly affair to you in a part of a certain civilization or a certain star.Probably exist over there"
The numb Fan obviously has already listenned to dizzy, .Also ignoring to tingle Fan can comprehend and continue way:"I took a form of address that compares image for it and was called" civilization grave field"or you would like to call it" planet hell, can also, in fine live over there of all of living creatures is at we now this the positive cosmos of place empty Ran in the existence once led.But the thin Er and Maya is probably those living creatures in zero descendants in the spaces
"Radicle Yi Jia superior, be pass not- normal means from the positive astrospace, got into zero living creatures in the spaces, he met me in zero spaces.The intelligence life of a Huo radicle civilization match Bo Tan that has been already demolished civilization body.Then re- started us the material for new fire source of the match Bo Tan civilization to let our civilizations revolve in zero spaces afresh."
"The affair after, the not known was thin to explain toward you.In fine be so return to matter."
The cooking stove has a little a bitter and astringent way very much:"Zero lifes in the spaces are more opposite than the life in the positive astrospace, strong and terrible of many, passed by to annihilate and reorganize this process of they.Acquired very terrible ability, that was a kind of rule that I can not comprehend, so say, radicle Yi Jia superior, of so will fail, not is because his strength isn't enough strong, but he can not win zero"rule"s in the spaces and you also need not worry, the living creatures in zero spaces will arrive at an Eden star again.Because close of"crystal wall passage.And"the door in the noodles" even if open once again.Moreover and simultaneously is also an impossibly original space."
Numb Fan"murmur" swallowed saliva,Beats by Dre BMW, the living creature on the Eden star all basically wanted than the mankind many strong.No matter is physique, carbon radicle living creature ability or their spirit physique quantity, all be not the opposite and small and weak mankind can compare of,Beats By Dre In Ear, but the living creature on the Eden star, incredibly just zero spaces in the small and weak living creature of some pyramid first floors, at passed crystal wall passage to multiply greatly after arriving the Eden star of posterity just, smaller and weak than their Zu generation don't know how much doubly!
This, see those legend living creatures to know.The arrows eagle elder, sea evil whale, huge bite Sha, also have that time immemorial big octopus, basically isn't one amount of piece class!
But don't know why, tingled Fan to burst out one one peculiar viewpoint:Zero living creature in the spaces are so strong, can energy and three bodies producing Be affirmative to go for a pound of Bo,cheap beats by dre, if arriving zero spaces of the servers of《difference boundary 》 in more,
Shake shake head, oneself now didn't°yet that real strenght, the other people not come to seek their they enough lucky of, oneself wants to run to go in zero spaces, that just true call seek dead!
Got the hemp Fan of matrix star, have already there been the ability to slowly developed now, wait when the real strenght is enough strong to arrive to take no cognizance zero space of the rule threatens of time .Consider this problem again to chase!
Is total of come to say, tingled Fan to acquire Xiang now they the match Bo Tan civilization leave behind next last set"fight device."Although isn't too complete, the combat ability and existence ability tingling a Fan oneself consumedly raised a lot and had already forced enough oneself to cope with some sudden dangers. Understand settles a dispute the beginning and end of feeling and tingle Fan also hiss one breath, have already perplexed his more than a years of doubt to finally uncover.He need not suspiciously worry all day long again that being subjected to was afraid, now that temporarily had never helped to send to oneself the crossing of a heap of inheritance elder generation Lin Jia, real strenght revenge to zero spaces, so first polish off for him Eden star up loose the last leftover evil for staying, to the utmost devote an idea good.
The numb Fan laid aside to mix in brain of viewpoint, let silent the along while didn't utter a word of secretary, adjust the circumstance of earth's surface world checked for a while, mankind's player after getting the help of matrix system, finally own return shot of ability, the just full star beats at present of get into a hot dispute, most let to tingle Fan surprise of BE, that isn't done know where come out come of drive skeleton germ infection of living creature, incredibly also extended site, beginning with lived on a person to start to battle out an earth's surface world, real of three clan war!
However, live on zero space leftover evils of person's back.The insect gets lord till now without also appearing, and the operation of skeleton germ backstage also conceals and wants.Seem oneself be also regarded as the black hand of the player backstage of mankind, the backstage of feelings everyone's noodles is cave don't appear, look gamesome of**have not broken out?
Relatively let what people threw up blood BE, was beaten by the number base once of stop activity of South Korean player, incredibly at disorder it
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