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The world chapter 295 solves extent of disaster
The extent of disaster of river east far and far than the severity in the imagination.Is only two, from the river the east is everywhere escape the victim of disaster in the pass already more than 200,000 people, they almost are to by instinct Chang-an remit to gather to big Tang's heart, imitate a Buddha to have them the hope of existence only there.
Chang-an, ten thousand years two counties prepare of gruel Peng and tent can not satisfy the victim of disaster's need at all, the victim of disasters of hunger start to Chang-an pound at inside the city, though the imperial government officials will is to leave the victim of disasters outside the city,ten several ten thousand victim of disasters still keep breaking obstructing of city gate soldier and flowed out into Chang-an city.
Chang-an inside the city of throw into great disorder, tightly depend clearly several shops of virtuous door, Anne's righteousness shop, protected rather a workshop to break out to beat to hit to rob affairs, starving masses force open a food to spread, vegetables store, coax to rob food and the whole edible supplies, more than ten store waiters and starving masses be trampled to cause death in the middle of coaxing and robbing.
Close behind, vastly and mightily starving masses concentrate most toward the food of western city into deliver, at this time, station my Wei, thousand cow Weis at gold in the emperor's city, ten thousand ride camp, and Long Wu Jun...etc. tens of thousands troops start out to crack down on starving masses of riot, door in Chang-an each shop is urgent to close, ten several ten thousand starving masses broke out conflict with troops down the Vinaceous Rosefinch avenue, rode the soldiers to beat with the stick, take out with the whip, even chop down pike Tong with the knife.Without remorse the suppression begins non- inch iron starving masses.
Is the refugee who is dispersed to rush to escape everywhere on the Vinaceous Rosefinch avenue, their scare thousand times, cry an earthquake for sky, the mother embraces children the Ai Ai weep over by the side of the wall, the old man of hair white kneels in front of the non-commissioned officers to piteously entreat, the Vinaceous Rosefinch avenue last blood becomes river, confusion and unbearable.
The interest celebrates a temple, several hundred big ministers kneel in petition in the temple doorway and implore saint up open Cang earthquake relief, at greatly and together inside the palace, Li Long Ji just and Li Yu, Li Lin just, Yang Guo Zhong, Zhang Yun,www.headphones-fashion.com, Wang Gong and carefully a class of heavy minister companies like Jin,etc measure to relieve an affair.
"His majesty, the food of balance office still has 30,000 stones now, at starving masses still don't cause before food price soar, we have to want the most rapid degree ground earthquake relief, quell dismay, otherwise the dismay spreads to arrive Chang-an in the residents, that will cause soaring rapidly of food price, circumstance severity."
Li Lin just and nervously puts forward a suggestion for Li Long Ji just, his body imitates Buddha at walk mountain car, a little bit ex- sky of just turned for the better 1:00, can take a sudden turn and develop rapidly again for these two days, lie a bed not to rise, but the circumstance is urgent today, Li Lin just the body that can be strong to support a disease come to Li Long Ji plan plan, he understands this big emperor Tang too much, only then he can advise Li Long Ji to do a correct choice.
Li Long Ji is a don't utter, he carries a hand station the right map is at the Long before, the vision looks at that slice of drive the snow-crested of Ai Ai impressive-looking plateau.That is his dream, for a hundred years, big Tang and vomit Fan always drive war and compromise stalemated, big Tang is placed in forever passive, vomit Fan to beat tired, then come to form a contract rest, rest and recuperate good, and then tear to pieces contract continue war, take captive Tang Min and supplies, strong have a land, year in and year out, time and time again, Gao Zong, Wu Hou, medium religion, still have his father emperor with himself, all in a passive strange turn transmigration of soul, don't know to when is an end forever.
The sky is luckily vomited great Pu of Fan to die the stone fortress city of in the war, young great Pu beyond control situation, made to vomit Fan to take place the internal rebellion of contending for the power, is saying such as the elder brother comfortable Han of so, don't hold tight this opportunity, one day there will's vomiting Fan person will stage a comeback.
Li Long Ji's striking against the heart of vomiting the Fan has been like iron and stone, can not converse.The river east victim of disaster's affairs can not also change his decision.
"I want to know and give relief to these victim of disasters to actually need how many foods, will at the Long that the much great degree ascend to influence me right battle?"
Li Long Ji's voice is very cheerless, he is to go to tall highest emperor, he doesn't need to be considered if relieve, he need a result, he the big minister that need under charge tells him how to should work out a problem.
"His majesty, the victim of disaster of the river east and the south of Hebei has 1,000,000 of many, escaping into the victim of disaster in the pass already over 200,000, still and just and constantly and continuously flow out, this time the disaster at least keeps on a food till June summer result, the minister computes for a while and at least needs the earthquake relief food of 500,000 stones, so as to cope with the whole famine, escape into pass in of the victim of disaster also need 200,000 stones."
"Do not go!It Be getting tooer many."
If Li Long Ji vexation ground interrupted Li Lin just, last time held a meeting provisions for army original for the shortage, took out 100,000 stones relieve him dislike much, now want him take out 200,000 stones even 500,000 stone foods, how may!
"The his majesty pleases stop anger, the minister contains two projects of solution, can protect right battle of Long to go ahead on schedule, and can protect a victim of disaster to get a succour."
Li Lin just of this sentence make Li Long Ji's facial expression mitigation 1:00, "the prime minister please say!"
Li Lin stabilized body condition just, slowly way:"The first project is to mobilize each farm in pass to donate a food, the minister contains statistics, more than 500 farms in pass accumulate a food to add through the years, at least above 3,000,000 stones, don't need all of them to make a contribution as well, as long as taking out Chen Liang then can.That also has 1,000,000 stones at least, certainly, minister's also knowing last time and holding a meeting and settling down is to purchase, but this purchases to also need time for the sake of fighting for time, can use first the way of money after goods, or first lent money to purchase from each big cabinet shop and waited square money everywhere arrived behind again return to the cabinet shop, so, can ast least get one part of foods first, alleviate starving masses extent of disaster."
Li Long Ji ordered to nod, not the Kui is Li Lin just, the project is very practical, he wanted to think a way:"I can take the lead to sell a food by each prince of life, first money estimates not to go after the goods, it is a good way to lend money from the cabinet shop, the prime minister pleases say the second project."
Li Lin sees the project that Li Long Ji agree him just, not from spirit on flapping, hurriedly way:"Old minister the second project woulds be and prevent°froms a starving masses riot in pass, at the right moment can send they Anne west, can the life along the road authorities arrangement send and make them sit with it at Chang-an etc. give relief to, need not let their side walk the side give relief to.So Chang-an the victim of disaster reduces, the danger of riot also cancellation in invisible, more importance is make to close medium situation quickly steady settle down, be unlikely to influence his majesty of Long right battle."
Li Lin just this project is a , not only Li Long Ji approves, a few heavy ministers also agree with together, Chen Xi Lie's way:"His majesty, these are one arrows three vultures, it accounts, minister deeply for agree with."
Crown prince Li Yu also gladly way:"Minister also agrees with, but needs to send more hand to help in the along the road and sends more herb medicine.Prevent°from victim of disaster dead half-way."
For Li Long Ji, most the key is the Long that can not influence him right battle, as long as promising this premise, he what all say, so also good, send victim of disaster to walk, also province make him feel vexed.
"Prime minister Lee's project I am getting more quasi-, moreover, Li Qing An please adjust Imperial Academy the student and officials leave for Anne everywhere west one matter, also along together carry out, can life Imperial Academy student along the road care victim of disaster, also calculate an opportunity to toughen to them, also have Anne west the soldier leave for river west accolade emigrant's ground request, I also granted."
Li Lin strikes while iron is hot just, hurried way:"These two premises of projects all want to be first steady to live a victim of disaster and plead his majesty to promise and urgently adjust the food of balance office to give relief to a victim of disaster and prevent°from circumstances severity."
"Is quasi- to move!"
Many ministers slowly kept on backing, but Li Long Ji call Yang Guo Zhong.
Need big ministers to walk to the utmost, Li Long Ji just asks him a way:"I hear that your nephew, Yang Wang, is harmed last night, is this what is the row?"
Last night, the Hong Lu temple Dian guest the office office went to Yang Wang salty sun a well-known weapon workshop did private affairs, while coming back meet a flock of young and vigorous starving masses, he spoke not lousy, be cut up rough of starving masses dragged along dismount kill, up to now the murderer has no from make track for.
Yang 铦 hears that the son is killed, a disease lies a bed not to rise, Yang Jia up and down cuts up rough an abnormality and exerts pressure for Yang Guo Zhong in succession, life he checks a murderer to pay with life.
Yang Wang's attendant that Yang Guo Zhong again and again inquires to escape back, says to is a flock of out at elbow young victim of disaster, each shape was tall and big in stature, is blocking road to rob to come and go pedestrian, at the right moment run into by Yang Wang, can those victim of disaster long what appearance, the attendant basically didn't see clear, as for Yang Wang spreads to do to the salty sun knife sword what.The attendants are also vacant don't know.
This matter makes Yang Guo Zhong have a headache not already and in fact he also not want to take care of this matter, the affairs are much like ox hair recently, he which sometimes interfere with this have no head the case is just forced to the pressure of household, he has to check.
"His majesty, Yang Shu makes to arrived a victim of disaster in the city affairs, was in physical confliction, misery was harmed life by the victim of disaster, the victim of disaster outside the city has 200,000 people, the minister also has no from begin a survey."
Yang Guo Zhong doesn't dare to say more this matter, Yang Wang does what private affairs the reason haven't found out, hears Yang Wang gets in touch with for these two days and big anthropophagi rather and closely and seem still have to big anthropophagi of gold, although Yang Wang is the Dian guest's office, and the great anthropophagi contact is his job, but Yang Guo Zhong one matter feel from the gold inside perhaps another have hidden facts, he worries once the affair makes greatly and checks an affair for Yang Jia's disadvantage as a result, that can lose more than gain, so he handles this matter in a low-key way as far as possible, even don't dare to tell the imperial concubine, however Li Long Ji where get this news,make him some interrogative.
Li Long Ji also just freely ask, his leaving Yang Guo Zhong's idea isn't here, he sighed an one breath and then converted a topic, "river east victim of disaster's one matter let my heart in very disorderly, make people focus attention, solve this matter, is although a that gets the matter of popular support very much, is fresher than Zhong is trillion Yin in the city,I am Chang-an worried that he doesn't acquaint with a circumstance and presses not to live situation, prime minister Lee's body seems really don't go, I cant not bear to he is tired, so I want to make you come to full power to be responsible for this matter, cleanly send a victim of disaster to walk according to prime minister Lee's project, moreover you are a Li department book's dispensing officials are still also your affairs, this everything closes a graveness, I don't hope that you bring in personal gratitude and grudge, you understand?"
Yang Guo Zhong understands Li Long Ji's meaning, Li Lin just of the achievement Duo come over and seek popular applause and build up a prestige and prohibit him to make difficulties for Anne's west to adjust officials' one matter intentionally at the same time, Yang Guo's loyal knows a belly clearly, this was the omen that he wants to take over Li Lin to be just.
Yang Guo Zhong's exultation, hurriedly Gong body way:"Minister Zun aim!"
Interest the celebrating the decision of temple finally gave the refugees a ray of hope, before noon, a great deal of of the officials and miscellaneous service take to have several tens gruel Peng down the Vinaceous Rosefinch avenue, at the same time Chang-an and each county of trillion mansions in the city all start to take a tent in succession, pot cook gruel, the refugees arouse the mood of anger to finally quell down, the troops also withdrew to halt ground, and several thousand soldiers who leave my Wei of gold are responsible for keeping order.
Is very quick, some Chang-an the rich family also start following behind an authorities Zhen gruel, river Huai will adjust the news that 1,000,000 foods go to the capital to also get about streets and alleys, the situation Chang-an and almost losing control is finally steady to settle down, the rice price that just rose 30 text moneys in the morning quickly drops, each workshop door also 66 continuously and continuously open, the Chang-an civil life resumed gradually as usual.
Led just at noon, Li Qing An's car brigade is from disorderly clearly the virtuous door drove into city Chang-an, the wagon marches forward speed excrescent slowness and jamed to get earthquake relief on all sides, the city looks for the family's refugee, wagon inside, Li Qing An is considering various arrangement of the west of Anne, he will face the emigrant's a great deal of arrival first, according to planning at first, the emigrants of this year will all move a ground leaf, can rest and recuperate in the gold full county neighborhood first for two months and go a ground leaf again, will at once the ground leaf take and build up five counties, he already life Yi I the soldier troops and horses make again become and lead a soldier a bottom river western hallway, the along the road protects an emigrant and prevent°from drive the Qiang beard is the Rao.
For Anne west to say, desperately of problem little more than food, provisions for army, people's food, also need to launch to the preparation that vomits Fan war, and strikes against to vomit fire Luo, with Anne west the resources in nowadays, even if take over the cow sheep of herding the people, can not also prop up so many big activities, he have to first solve food problem, just can launch to vomit the fire Luo's battle.
Li Qing An lightly rolls a temple, in fact he has already had a project, just the condition of this project is still not that mature, need slowly perfect.
His vision falls at the letter degree of the map once the river area take, this takes densely populated, rich soil, abound in a food, the influence greatly eat has already invaded this to take, establishment of the letter is virtuous and hide Pu two governor of province mansions beside, but still far and far didn't stand firm a heel, Da Luo Si battle after, shout Luo Shan troops shortage, inevitable will take out a soldier and return to from this two sides, and sign and reach agreement agreement with dynasty Tang, greatly food should not excessive garrison here.
But this combine mean his Li Qing An and then will immediately strike against here, this is the not that mature condition reason, he not ability severals battle at the same time, the beard is one-step one step, but the food here really can solve Anne west of critically urgent, he wants to let big anthropophagi willingly letter degree the river food food in the Cang offers western to Anne.
At this time, the wagon vibration stopped down all of a sudden and interrupted his way of thinking, Li Qing's Allah opens some car Lian, the wagon has been already gone into the city, just down the Vinaceous Rosefinch avenue, the outside is miscellaneous Xuan person's voice everywhere, listens to the outside close Wei of car reporting to report:"The great commander soldier is a Lu mountain of Anne, he wants to see a great commander soldier."
"H'm!Let me dismount a car."
Li Qing An got off, saw equally drive to come to a group of trafficses in front, several hundred rides a soldier to escort a wagon, the car brigade has already stopped bottom, fat of the Anne Lu mountain is from the wagon in come down, from afar and then say with smile:"Great commander soldier, I want to thank your fire thunder formula."
Li Qing where under Li Long Ji's request, fore the sky gave Anne the Lu mountain a fire thunder formula, but some things of inside hardest make, the high wine of the for example high Chang, the light quality kerosene of northern court, Shuo square nine at first black stone wood etc., there are no 12 years, the Anne Lu mountain dided not think that lane together these went together with to anticipate, as for went together with to anticipate lane together behind can succeed, that didn't relate to with him.
This formula he equally passed Zhao Xin to give big anthropophagi a , only wish they can succeed and see Anne the mood of the Lu mountain excrescent joy.
The Li Qing An's arch hand returns to gift to say with smile:"Each other is Tang Jun, this is as it should be, Anne is handsome need not Be getting more polite, Anne is handsome this is He Wang?"
"Ha ha!I am returning to Fan Yang, I also want to fight and regain to prepare, the great commander soldier also wants to return to in advance!"
Anne Lu mountain this words' pouring don't speak amiss, Li Qing An originally wants at Chang-an foolish two months, but because has to change a plan towards vomiting Fan battle one matter, he, return to Anne west in advance, he orders to say with smile:"Prepare the end of the month to leave, can't, we are all born to a hard lot!"
Anne Lu mountain cachinnation, "I a little bit more very busy no harm, can the great commander soldier is a newly married!Abandon so newly married pretty wife to return to, isn't the great commander soldier frightened?"
Li Qing An is tiny tiny a say with smile:"Is Anne handsome to think that I am afraid of?"
"Ha ha!Nothing important!I can not attend a great commander soldier wedding and had a thin gift especially and have already sent a person to send Gu mansion only, I wished a great commander soldier to early get expensive son."
"Thanking Anne is handsome, hope we hereafter cooperate delectation!The younger brother not and far sent and wished an Anne handsome bon voyage."
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