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Man basically has the behavior to betray them in the outside.This absolutely and European Continent of that helps a Catholic about.The female of our New Continent and the female dissimilarity of the European Continent, how can also so weak, so I have been aming just thinking, we should solidify and become a female organize, support our rightses.Organize a salon discussion discussion first, can also do preparation for future."
Kang cypress big sweat.
Protect female rights organization.Isn't this a women's liberation.No wonder that these own trouble, had never thoughted their oneselfs to unexpectedly marry woman's rights Dou the private be he or she ground wife.The Kang cypress is hurriedly embarrassed to stand to say a voice"you continue to chat.My whereabouts manages some affair!" Prepared to hide oneself's den to go.
The Ma a kind of insect madam smiles a blunt Kang cypress point to nod and gives him a look in the eyes for trusting and means in front of guest to talk for him.
The guest nature can't have what opinion, this was originally the female's topic, after giving the Kang cypress a farewell to kiss, continued to chew the fat with Ma a kind of insect.
It is still not rest assured to hide den ground Kang cypress.
This guest suddenly wants to establish what support the salon of female rights.Affirmation is carefree Be free in the home recently, stir kid and other women chat all day long, be taught for talkative woman wrong things by that.Oneself is again occupied in the affair of political top recently, to heart in the mattering to of home also a little bit little, just make her living so mind.
Don't go, seeming cans not always make the wife stay, either to give birth to a kid in the home, still have to seek to order other serious affairs to do for them.Otherwise whole day a help have no the matter do a ground of women to get together loquacious, not is wait oneself's husband to go home behind the elephant review criminal similar ask, be want to establish what female rights salon.Will have an accident sooner or later.
However the Euro-American custom in nowadays is still more conservative.Hardly have the upper-class society the female to throw the emergence that the head shows face at work situation.The woman of only even poor people house generally also would come out a work.The woman of upper-class society all generally moderates person social intercourse contacts in the cocktail party, dancing party, if come out a work, that the meeting be despised by the others.
However is not the place that didn't arrange either, actually during the period of independent war, Ma a kind of insect the madam arrive at the forefront of battlefield with Washington in person.Especially during the period of battle in Boston,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.Send greetings a warrior in person.Look after to harm a member, also regardless of at 1:00 and own identity.She the behavior like this wasn't despised.On the contrary won Euro-American public ground to unanimously speak favorably.
Thought of this, the Kang cypress soon has 1 to settle method in the guest place, be establish a Red Cross, also later Geneva cross and red new moon unite a meeting.
Is the Red Cross Henry?Du south the road Be expected what time by Italian Lun, witness Austria, France and Sa D in 1859 Kingdom troops at Su method Reno pathetic battle, discover that the wounded soldier usually lacks person's care, the circumstance calls for folks that the crowd establishes after being wretched, neutral of the wounded soldier rescue organization.Use Geneva cross as totem sign, also from his national flag color of motherland Switzerland inside out but become.
But because of ten words is Christianity ground religious sign, the Islamite would not like to accept, afterwards the Ao Si Man empire adopts "red new moon" sign, Persia empire adoption thou oldly lion and the sun pattern, International Committee of the Red Corss admitted these two signs.Iran Huo plum Ni the coup after obtaining the political power abandonned a red lion meeting ground sign, similar to the other Islamism world adoption red new moon meeting sign.The international Geneva cross exercises just to change name to "Geneva cross and red new moon sport" in 1986, while Red Cross' uniting will then change name to "Red Cross and red new moon will international consociation meeting" in 1991.Afterwards Israel requests to adopt red Judaism sign, hexangular"David's star", there is no quilt Red Cross approval, fear this on opening, various groups will request his/her own ground multifarious signs.Before the Kang cypress crosses, Red Cross' finally discussing to pass a kind of the red rhombus sign of religious meaning of being in general use nations, having no , also for"red crystal", is one of the new signs.
Kang cypress at independent war period, once requested to produce the herb medicine product of having the antibiotic property to symbolize sex charge to provide in the kir laboratory of Philadelphia to the getting hurt of beautiful English both parties soldier.
But because at war the impossibly free contacts of both parties' personnel, also make a great deal of British army harm a member to can not get a salvage, be infected to die before the war ends.Usually just the war be over carried on a treatment while accepting Long defeated troops behind, that curing has already not only been only proceed from engaging righteous as well, but complete neutral rescue.The work that he does combines not much, but the fame is very loud and clear.
The Kang cypress once felt deeply about at that time, if can free salvage belligerence both parties harm a member, that may get the wound member of treatment to still want much ascend many, however will also make the economic loss that he is subjected to a little bit larger so.
But no matter how it is, take this as to lend, establish a Geneva cross red new moon meeting, is a very above board reason, can not only give oneself the madam to seek a work, but also let oneself's history stay, that Red Cross, on the history but once acquired four organizations of Nobel Peace Prize.
The Kang cypress returned to a living room right away, directly established the idea of Red Cross to say out, suggested to let guest to serve as president of association to be responsible for.
Some kind of preachments of guest process Ma a kind of insect madam at this time, seem is no longer so want to establish what discussed to support the salon of female rights, hear the idea of Kang cypress, immediately big interested in.
"Geneva cross and red new moon meeting?"The guest reads Dao this name.
"Folks, neutral of the wounded soldier rescue organization!Majority's opinion Lee of"the Ma a kind of insect madam is also very interested in, " is long because those wounded soldiers in the independent war, just thought of establish this organization of?"
"Is quite good!I once was gratis to provide drugs for beautiful English both parties' wounded soldier in the independent war, but belligerence usually could not arrive the other party and go in time, so just thoughted of to establish the rescue organization that didn't take an official identity.However in addition to war the salvage harm a member, usually we can also carry on other salvages."The Kang cypress point nods.
Feeling keenly to the Ma a kind of insect madam's match is happy.
"If is so, that I also want to join this organization help, don't know can?"
"Certainly!If"the Kang cypress promises down right away, " Washington's madam would like to join a help, I to feel from experienced and steady of you serve as this president of association, than guest more accommodation."
The guest disaffection stared oneself's husband's one eye, however immediately also opened mouth to approve.
"Good ah!At the right moment I don't acquaint with as well to these businesses, did the Ma a kind of insect arrive ever to once help to harm a member on the battlefield, be served as this president of association by you, the best choice!"
"Ha ha!Shoulding be able to is long need not, I as long as can come to do some help at any time can."The Ma a kind of insect madam smiles polite."Washington's madam, this Geneva cross and red new moon meeting, impossible in the future limit hence is pure neutral of wounded soldier rescue organization, affirmation also extend social philanthropic work, disaster to help an etc., that will have a lot of businesses, sooner or later will develop to become a very huge organization.I ain't polite, but organization like this, really need you the person like this comes to should be able to grow."The Kang cypress persistence way.
The Ma a kind of insect madam's general in Washington works in the outside period, have been dealing with huge patrimony in person, her deal with affairs ability, basic need not doubt.
See the facial expression of Kang cypress circumspect, Ma a kind of insect madam also not is directly refuse again so much and hesitated for a while and finally still keep compromising:
"This ……that I return to with George's company measure for a while.However anyway, I would like to come to this inside sign of rescue organization, free help."
The Kang cypress husband and wife smiled, they certainly agreed an arrangement like this.
However the guest still kept asking a question:
"Is dear, this organizes why want to call Geneva cross and red new moon meeting?BE represent Christian and those Muslems?This isn't so good."
"This ……be regarded as."The Kang cypress unwillingly nods, slowly way:"What good name do you have however this name can also respect everyone's opinion Related articles:

