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The blue sky white cloud of inside, pure river water, verdant of steppe."
Everyone is the color of one dream, cold don't defend, Guo Jia Dao:"Seek two beautiful misses again ……" I say him with Dian Wei at the same time:"You dare!"He didn't say that too history Ci break into laughter voice.Looking at Zhang Liao, they don't understand of vision, too the history Ci silently chases me because Guo Jia's body is weak, forbid the affair that he re-marries wife to say a time of, Zhang Liao and sweet rather also the Hey Hey smile.Guo Jia sighed in the part.
Lyu Bu but say with smile:"The miss of our steppe is certainly all beautiful, however, they also compare the miss here the personality is straightforward, when the time comes, see receive a filial piety can be subjected to, can not stand."This descends like, there is beginning of.Just said the serious, a s all were stuffy mouth bottle gourd and spoke of these now, these guys all started talking nonsense, the atmosphere was noisy to get up a while, Cao's holding is also gathering together jollification, really excessively, I had to beside hum.
However, they talk, I thought of an affair and silently once pulled Cao to hold to say:"The lord is male, the lovely daughter of this general can arrive age, you is be not seek a good family for her!"The Cao held to nod:"It is a good idea."I want:"Had better with main male marriage, like this and more seem to be your value be not?"The Cao holds and orders and thought in a short while:"Son cloud, a few son's ages holding are unsuited to proper!"Is really stupid:"The lord is male, the persons of Cao house all can of, this seeks has prospect most of!"The Cao holds and turns head sideways to want to think:"My pouring is to feel, son cloud you are pretty suitable.Anyway you didn't also become a house and wanted to be not ……"
I but frightenned a to greatly jump, hurriedly turn to fix attention on bead son to talk:"Lord male, you don't open my fun.There is a chemisette in my home, you again be not don't know, can bring back one more?Say again, I am outward a businessman, the Piao rides the daughter of general to marry a businessman, and you beat his face!Still have, you not the ability let like this me are small with a few elder brothers without basis everyone's one generation!"
The Cao held to smile to nod:"This pours BE.That you say, seek who accommodation?"I see public, this Cao surname brothers look like the wives are all many, the Cao holds of the son is still small, the Cao is proud accommodation, die.To:"The lord is male, age accommodation of many ah, the Cao is pure, true Cao, the Cao rest etc., all of them are your clan relatives, also have severals all are you of close nephew, very suitable."The Cao held to also turn to fix attention on bead son.I saw a purpose to attain and went away.
The half month empress, Lyu Chan and Cao rest to marry, Cao Lyu Yi Jia close, Hey Hey, the double insurance is getting bester, satisfaction of everybody concerned.Putting is even Lyu Bu.
Put away oneself, take a gift, I plea for interview bore adult.The bore melts an eyes inclined, up and down conjecture me:" Such as, you are really good at to do business!Aren't you Ma Pi who claps Mr. Cao?Run me to do here what?"I send greetings to his preceding generation in the belly and say on the mouth:"Adult, you open my fun!My,such as good-bye, works, is also an adult your past Li be not?These time knows your business of adult is busy, so, hasn't been daring to disturb, adult, you are to living small spirit for this!"
The bore melts a lightly smile:"Mouth indeed as expected compare a lot of sweet before.No wonder that persons all say, you by dint of a Qiao mouth, Mr. Cao who cheat spoils you very much and hums, if you say in the outside, is my past Li, I can can not bear responsibility."Hey, well big of overbearing pride.I come forward a to smile and talk quietly:"Adult ah, those people see if passed in and out a Cao mansion several times, see however eye.They not know such as, you also not know if deny?You aren't only knowing, smallly is only a businessman, still a doctor.In fact, I several times enter a Cao mansion, all is Mr. for Cao medical treatment headache.Just, this kind of affair also not is say everywhere very much, alas, I also have to load this scolds."
The headache disease that the Cao holds, the many people all know of, although these two years, he took my tablet, already like a lot of, however, the outsider knows of combine not much, I say a matter with this, pour also fitting.Indeed as expected, the bore melts to looking at me:"This, I certainly know you get the medical skill was let it be quite good, really such, poured.However, you are here also performance excessively some, I hear, you lend a lot of affairs and earn a great deal of money of Mei conscience, this is true of.Hum, say that you are a dishonest trader, mean person also not for lead."Hey, is my fame so bad?
I was to sigh:"Adult ah, like this isn't that kind of mean person, you should very clearly ah.At the beginning, I spend for the sake of those refugees how much ah!Such as can once have heartache?Money that canned once earn adult?Adult, you see, I am that you seal of the life light county make, I didn't be ungrateful to your trust and also settled more than ten myriad people before or after.If not that the Yuan Tan who damns, the day of life light we lead much comfortablely!I ain't that kind of either mean person, on hearing that the adult left the North Sea, I also disgrace in left for Yuan Tan that kind of people working oneslf to the bone, right away."
The facial expression mitigation that the bore melts come down, he also knows I the good matter that do only in the life is a lot of.I immediately after say:"Adult, I am a businessman, if the businessman sells at cost, that I can not also starve.Those persons who say something against me, however is jealous smallly will make money just, you can not believe these affairs.I can really don't do what make crafty do the affair of section."
See bore to melt already didn't that kind of refuse the person is at a long distance outside of appearance, I smile to send up the gift bringing:"The adult smallly knows that the adult isn't that kind of vulgar generation, don't dare to take vulgar thing to humiliate adult, this idea tea-leaf was the first-class pure tea just arrived today, asked adult to accept kindly."Bore's melting don't say again as well what, let the family accept pass by.I again with he east after chatting west to pull some kind ofly, just take leave leave.
Had a good starting point good, time in this month, I usually go and melt to make contact with with bore.See in fact emperor, the Xun 彧 takes me to enter a temple all right, however, by so doing, Be getting notter so good to his fame, after all, he is a well-known scholar, a steady heavy, the good person of pure.If, there is the person of calculations, see me being as near as what he walked, unavoidably willing have viewpoint.So, I also had to make an effort to try to please bore to melt this to embroider to spend a pillow, he now but take charge of imperial house's jewelry, decorate, the person of container.
The effort doesn't take an observant and conscientious person, my efficient got repay.At I once allusion thought to be on seeing saint Yan, this day, the bore melted mysterious district I entered temple,dr dre beats.All of the imperial palace isn't big, after all we don't have so much financial power to do these affairs of, so, only several 100 soldiers surrounded an imperial palace.Hey Hey, my purpose is how let emperor hereafter run road.Difficult!!!!
Arrived to allow all for two years, Liu Xie more and more vexed heart.Person at hungry belly of time, brain is have no viewpoint, eyes also can see eat thing;Person at naked of time, brain of viewpoint is also not much, eyes also can see things like cloth,etc.But, after satisfying these wisheses, the viewpoint of brain will be getting aer lot of.For a cleverness of, once was subjected to a lot of young mans of bitternesses to say, he affirmed a current circumstance of dissatisfied foot.Still naturally, in his blood more or less have man martial big heredity of emperor.These factors plus Tung again to accept these fleeing of personses who had no solid power Duo, on wishing to build up merit now, the young emperor's Ao signed world.However, he is just also some ambition life ambitions, actual of practical ability at 1:00 also have no, young man be so:Is hairless on the mouth, handle affairs rickety.Is alas, what can the list s make with red-blooded one chamber?

The heart of chapter 77 emperor

The heart of the unification north ground article-chapter 77 emperor
I see at the time that Liu helped, he was in the vexed heart now.As a greatly good youth, he can not also go there, nominally is an emperor, can important person nobody, money have no money, soldier have no soldier, there is more no right, really depressed.Every day at oneself nearby of person so some, say around, a little use also has no.Looking at bore to melt to take me to come in, he lightly cough 1 and sat to keep body and hoped me and put of a kind of dignity power hard and saw I want to smile.
The appearance done to ease bowels to respect, I come forward to kneel to pour Ke Related articles:

