
cheap beats by dre all silently looking

See, the mouth of Pie Pie, all blushed to redly return to own position to sit in seat of honor down.
"We still have a kind of parlance there and is called one Jing ten bloods, is say a the Jing can compare of ascend ten bloods, this is a matter of course impossible on the material foundation of, but in consideration of both of eject a way, there is also forerunner sport to to do, exhaust in the affair, the accomplishment of after the event body demand, also have etc. the match concerning the person etc., the still has equal truth of ……"
"Cough, H'm, that, calm down to learn, we aren't discussing those irrelevant problems, let's still discuss a problem concerning the product allotment this time."Three old guys all learning the thing that will soon relate to Liu Jing is full of curious, but each other of after tooking a look each other, all the openings interrupted what Liu Jing learned to relate.
"Yes, yes, we still at once discuss for a while relevant of allotment project."
"Yes, yes, you see harvest this time so many, this year of in winter can well lead of much.Should can't again someone drive famished."Once the words of strong breeze elder speak, all people's hearts all kept on sinking and without previous arrangement sighed tone:"Is alas~"
Be immediately silent to come down in house, all people all silently looking at an at present ground and recall former winter days, atmosphere of grief is up in the air to flow to drip, the whole air imitates Buddhas all dignified.
"How many persons do you originally want to die every year winter?They all because of why died?"BE not all people either all at grief, at least Liu Jing learns have no, he arrive is just as since go toward of use that mild tone, be like ask to eat in the evening what similar asked a three elders all don't wish the question for facing.
"Blare …… , is all that I ain't good, is that I have no skill …… blare ……" strong breeze elder one bottom sits to in the ground, Ti tears crosscurrent.
"What is the row?"
"Alas, past every year winter is all one clan of their barbarian because the jelly coldly lacks a little food of dress and starves, the person who starve with cold is the most, have mercy on him and have no place and say, always an individual stuffy, we are also all having no superfluous food of two clanses, can't also help them.Alas, ever since that time be this elder, his in the mind also bitterness."The thou is thin especially and mark the Ses all shake, the complexion deeply depressedly lowers the head.
", That you this in winter how want to do?"
", This winter, should was very excessive this winter, have the thing that up made from those mercenary soldier hands, can not use of can tie~u firm together, waited in a couple of days those traders to come, can make change many foods, these can luckily have you to help and thanked."Say the strong breeze hurtles Liu Jing to learn a point to nod.
"Yes, yes, the result this time be a lot too big, light the coin all has more than 2,000s, and more than 5,000 helmets, weapons, bow and arrow etc., the food selling out to enough buy to pass the winter is a thing, besides which, , can also leave a part of oneselfs to use, these can all is luckily your design."The thou is thin to be also rolling on the floor laughing especially.
"That of yours plays bow still quite good of, go together with hot pepper bullet up that kind of, we this winter should also good lead much.Just really have a little too difficult smell."Mark the Se arrive is still have a monster person the honesty is a personality, talk still practical and realistic.
"Yes, you see, be give that what the chief of glorious mercenary soldier regiment beat several bottoms, result they the whole mercenary soldier regiments be all climbed where cried along while, almost still make us send supper for them, O.K., the sky is black front they walked on the whole.Saved many of my foods."
"Those food of yours are also rob to come over there from the somebody else, return to have for their little what.It is stingy."
"What call stingy, they so many people are one person eat a bit of, I will be little well big of a heap of thing, do those things perhaps can save several individuals life in this winter."The day of poor people lets the strong breeze lead afraid, toward any food now, he has that kind of two eyes flush of felling.Particularly is after eating Liu Jing and learning the fu ling Gao that the in command of doll does, his walking two eyes are all continuously to ground Chou, continuously the Ga La hoping at a certain Ji Cape discover fu ling piece losing a cake of,cheap beats by dre.
Just regrettable BE, at ordinary times that kind of everywhere it is thus clear that of trifle, all can not find now.
"Is what you thoughted of this method?There is no better method?"Liu Jing learns wrinkly eyebrows:"You have never thought, you changed into those things all the food to eat up this time, that hereafter how do?"
"Later?Being so many is beyond the power to care, this year in winter see will arrive, estimated to lead again for half month, the heavy snow will seal mountain, think when the time comes what can all late."
"Luckily there are so many mercenary soldiers running to ask for trouble this time yes, have never thought anti- poured to deliver so many things for us, this year's this year would be the year that I don't worry most .Is quiet to learn, that of yours what'do not eat, don't wear, the enemy sent for us to come forward "of the method return is really good, we next year encore, so ……"
"Thus you wait to starve."Liu Jing learned to turn over to turn over cold stare:"You think to pass by this time, the somebody else also falls into trap, end come of if not that big troops, the regular army wasn't a very far family to run and return, there is so silly person?"
"That we can't think a way to make them come?Want to be not ……regrettable, that castellan only has a kid, otherwise …….It is alas."
"Useless talk, you this year all make somebody else's castellans shelling the light all to, leaves a set of clothes for somebody else to return to, you still really think that the somebody else dares to also comes annually."
", That you are late to say, early say me ……"
"How to early say you and then will pass them?"
"Certainly can't, early say I sought that castellan to want more some thing and at least wanted enough next year ……not, year after next ……not, big ……do not go, the thing can not put so long of time."The strong breeze elder has a little depressed:"The early knowing the method of quiet theory is so severe, I don't listen to his.Now ……alas~."
"Be."The thou is thin especially and mark Se to is all agree approval.
"How to depend on my top in the head again."Liu Jing learned to listen to immediately and felt to have a little spirit not Fen:"I don't know as well your person of this world is so stupid, however is that the hole being small to smallly lead a snake a little adjusts a tiger to leave mountain, they simply bite a person toward the tortoise similar of, bite top not loose, also hard followed to run three hilltops, I listen to here they deliver a letter to all feel to tiredly sway, they incredibly still carried it through."
"Still have, you are those barbarian's oral stuntses, how wear should have the difference of a little as well, incredibly and so many people didn't listen to out, the person who connected to before run's changing all doesn't know and return a strength of be devoted to silly blunt."
", You rat clan at ground the hole of the last Tao, beat ambush, descend a Ban rope, there is incredibly no one personal detection ……"
"There is detection of, however drive our person to knock down."The strong breeze put a mouth.
"Still have us the bird clan."Mark the words of Se arriving is always simple.
"Yes, yes.We didn't also thought of, we were two monster clans, passed by your so a conductor, can vanquish those so many mercenary soldiers, seem to be also to didn't fee what energy, we ……"the thou be especially thin to suddenly seem to want to understand what, immediately wear a small mouth, raised those beards to smilingly smile:"I know we hereafter how should do."
"How to do?"Strong breeze and mark Se all Chou come over.
"We want a set to set up mercenary soldier regiment."
"Shout-, finally thought of."Liu Jing learns unbearable long long one breath.
"Does the set set up mercenary soldier regiment?We?Is all right?"
"How to don't go.The air with a bird clan probes and has the positive combat of your barbarian, we being responsible for of rat clan secretly protection, the elephant teach those mercenary soldiers this time similar, also don't go?Say again, they can be mercenary soldier, we can vanquish them, how can not be mercenary soldier?"The thou is thin to brandish walk stick especially, the concussion of one face:"We can arrive the free federal registers mercenary soldier qualifications, there to the request of mercenary soldier not high, also not discriminate against our monster person and barbarian.Had a mercenary soldier property Related articles:

