
beats by dre studio he graduate school h

Through reflect to be like an equipments, is flying to throw in inside the car, have a liking for to go from the outside, seem you is handing over a joys to have illicit love.",Such as this kind of person of eyebrow, thoughts of that the condition of the companion matter son of Yang Hua Wei also has a little red-blooded surge, she teases a way:"How?Yang Hua Wei, we seek ground to you this has illicit love object fairly good?No matter is shape, still a shape, this can is all troops inside a wait a ground of big beauty."

Text 168 chapter KPGs-wild decontamination
Renew time:2009-9-1515:55:53 chapter word numbers:5787

Walks such as the eyebrow full wearing a smile idea ground fore noodles, lead after death the facial expression is a bit difficult to see of Yang Hua Wei, once wore an aisle, finally arrived at that observation room.
", Yang Hua Wei came."Wang Cun turned head to hope one eye and continued in hand God's work.
The high pressure bullet-proof back of the glass is that three dogs, it just and lovely sits at emptily inside the room, probably felt Yang Hua Wei's arrival, this guy suddenly and frightenedly crawls in the ground, a pair of eyes keep looking about on all sides, obviously is looking for the thing that fears it.
"Bureau chief king, I listen to captain king saying that you have a new detection."Yang Hua Wei sees such as the eyebrow and is stealing to smile, quickly run up to ask a way.
"H'm, to, discover at 1:00, should ability to you are useful."Wang Cun orders and hand over to the record volume in the hand nearby person, turn round to say to,such as eyebrow, :"Is like plum, bring over here that bottle of that inject a medicine to Yang Hua Wei, ah?What the matter son make you smile so?What are you smiling?"
", Nothing important, I this takes." Such as eyebrow ha ha on smiling, become a breeze directly disappear at they at present.
"This wench, less and less reasonable."Wang Cun shakes and smiles to scold a way, but he just turned a head, saw Yang Hua Wei's facial expression, again association of thought rise,such as eyebrow, just of smiling face, facial expression immediately peeped out suddenly realize, but still didn't waited he to open mouth joke Yang Hua Wei, was stared by Yang Hua Wei's a look in the eyes to return to.
Such as the speed of the eyebrow soon, more quickly a lot of than general instrument at least, in her hand very carefully take 1 bottle to maintain also, can see from the transparent container, maintain a liquid center of gravity to fix one to inject a machine, but inject a machine in purple of liquid, have a liking for go to make people feel that the heart livings uncanny.
"This is to withdraw from that three dog bodies."The king saves to maintain a liquid to connect to come over and passes Yang Hua Wei's hand, he with such as the facial expressions of eyebrow all very careful, at least before of tease facial expressions all and disappear undoubtedly.Listens to Wang Cun saying:"We discovered a kind of very special composition in that three bloods in the body of dogs, according to you with making collective report of captain king, we still go to and discover that the ground fished for some kind of.Don't discover what."
"What a ground of special composition is that you say?"Yang Hua Wei raises to maintain a liquid and observes to inject the composition in through the radar, obviously the radar hasn't directly analyzed the function of composition, Yang Hua Wei finally can helplessly smile to smile, and listens to him saying:"Is naturally born inside the evil monster body, still because of the reason of this world?"
"A little bit rougher ground words said.That was the variation."Wang Cun hurtles there of observation room Nu make a signal by pursing, with 2 Yang Hua Weis together walked in the past, he the openings say at the same time:"Should be to have relation with realistic a certain living creature to fasten, this aspect we still just survey, however we are from the composition of detection of this three dog bodies, is act for 1 kind ……we named after the thing of wild chemical element, let the evil monster lose beastliness and restore rational status."
"Wild chemical element?"Yang Hua Wei's eyebrows a wrinkly.Obviously he the ground have never appeared this word inside the understanding scope.
".This is that we assign name to ground by ourselves.You that world is affirmative have no."Wang Cun puts a hand.Got rid of Yang Hua Wei ground doubt.Continue to say:"Do not know any old have to tell you.He comes back for a ground of time from that what pulled there to bring back to come to a piece of rock inside the rice."
"Seemed to once lift."Yang Hua Wei thought in a short while.Say:"The seeming to pull can see any pear flower at any time for the sake of making any old inside the rice.So give him the ground to go through to use a ground of thing.Say to be taking that rock.Can be free from he controls a ground of evil monster ground attack.However seem old to any of function."
"H'm.You say ground at 1:00 all right."Say this words.,Such as eyebrow, takes out a small box from the pocket.In packed a cake of blood-red colorly rock.Wang Cun that said in the past:"This is that son rock.No matter pull to say inside the rice that the ground actually isn't fact.We all affirm and experiment for a while."
"Discover what?"Yang Hua Wei connects over there.Again examine through the radar for a while.But discover a top connect a silk energy motion all have no.
"Pass this rock.We can break to settle.Pull inside the rice say that the ground is right."Wang Cun seems to be very helpless.Listens to him saying:"And completely have never imitated to build or replication ground possibility."
"This is what construct?"Yang Hua Wei puts in the center of palm.Cautiously carrying quantity is a detection not what.
"The structure composition of this rock is the cognition scope that outstrips us."Wang Cun shakes and says:"But in there is the composition to totally there are three kinds of bloods, we took one small part to do to analyze,beats by dre studio, discovered that the one among the bloods is to draw from any old, this we have already confirmed, the second should be to pull inside the rice, because of someone ground composition.As for this is the third ……"
"Affirmation is mother monster of."Yang Hua Wei wants to don't think as well.Connect over the king saves of words.
"?Why will you have this kind of viewpoint?"Wang Cun is obviously very interested in, ask a way:" You know of speak.Perhaps will do good to our researches."
"I once got in touch with a mother monster, regardless all of the evil monster are still a half monster person and monster person, all is BE cultivated by it, I at the beginning once thought, the monster person is to pass what means completely controled an evil monster."Yang Hua Wei slowly says:"Is very natural, controling the evil monster is own a certain way, but want to completely obtain right of control, the nature is to pass some category place types, such as tradition and conjunction...etc., because the combat of evil monster deliver strength through the blood, and this three dogs can become gentle, should also appear variation in the blood."
"Say quite goodly, continue."Wang Cun signals hint,such as eyebrow, hurriedly does a record, oneself then sticks out ear and cautiously listens.
"So my individual breaks to settle and pull inside the rice as mankind, not to, is that the person is crafty, first because own the monster person's Du blood, then integrate own blood to mother monster in, so, be an evil monster birth behind, will feel to pull inside the rice through the blood, also will to he obey."Yang Hua Wei after finishing saying, and then held chin to think in a short while, finally say:"Moreover my guessing an of evil monster is a gradational demarcation of, because is a lot of at the time that time fought, I would meet the low class' evil monster give way for deluxe evil monster of affair."
"Yang Hua Wei, the data said by you to our ground the research is very helpful."The countenance Shuo in the Wang Cun eyes the Shuo is obviously and very an excitement, he says:"Shine on you to say so, that we can break to settle that third source is the mother's monster."
"H'm, but this how again?"Yang Hua Wei asks a way:"Pull can't stand to make me take his blood ground over there inside the rice, he can't even let mother the monster expose in front of me, if really make me see, also take its blood?I directly polished off."
", This we are also clear.The graduate school has already given up the viewpoint of making duplicate this kind of thing."Wang Cun smiled to smile and targeted afresh vision to keep in mind at Yang Hua Wei to maintain a liquid top and mysteriously say in the ground:"Is the detection being real here."
"This?"Yang Hua Wei rocks hand in of maintain a liquid, more interrogative in the heart.
"We withdrew sample from this rock, although can not make duplicate, we will pull to come out with any old blood composition insulation inside the rice.Then with these three dog variations the blood after blend, the unexpectedly miraculous real estate borns one category the liquid of life body."Make reference to here Related articles:

