
beats by dre studio hd nceive is condensed

Chapter 130 is strong to rob
Too Anne city city suburb, the mountain of gold iron.
Have no month dead hour, a few light Yous copy in gold iron mountain foot of a hill to bum, the You copies sweep and has no D to order son voice to spread, was like the ghost with no weight to once float.
A pitch dark cave entrance to cave, four three just private in the sky of the territory of sky, the lazy ocean ocean ground guards in the hole doorway, tiny squint, breathe even, all in the quiet mind self-discipline.
Entrance to cave deep place, ever and anon spread the voice that gold iron bumps shot, on silent and matchless dead hour, although the voice is in the deep place inside the hole,also the enough sound spreads.The light shadow of a ghost sort, mule however in the entrance to cave not an ancient tree bottom in distance stop, moreover a few shadows quietly close to and merge into an integral whole with night view.
"Religious leader, entrance to cave someone guards, don't I?, Wood Luo the voice is to come from nine You hells, the Yin is cold few cut off."
Smiled to shake to shake head, Ji vast sky way:"Butchering is eight in the halfway up a hill, once the entrance to cave spreads to fight a voice, he immediately will realize, ten several year agos held 8 to is the territory of seven star highest points in the sky, so many in the last yearses he has been all fixing in gold iron mountain halfway up a hill bitterness and guess according to Chen Jia and butcher eight state probably F through got again to break"
See wood Luo, he immediately after and in a soft voice explains:"Too Anne's city Tu Jia's real strenght is strong, the unlike seven greatest householdses are too many inferior to, before doing not get thing, we had better not and so early disturb to butcher 8."
Luo of wood is blindly obedient, nod to mean it's understand, soon after to depend on an ancient beautiful order:"You go to entrance to cave 4 people the bow walk" each thou is beautiful face top the yarn take, a captivating smile, the look in the eyes shoots a soul Duo soul, quietly from thou the back of the tree walked out, lightly alignment not the entrance to cave of distance.
The body previous thicker Zhang shoulder sheds off a waist limb, Jie month general white temporary joss-stick the shoulder exposed out and added blackly at the mid-night, depend on thou beautiful is like a spirit of deep mountain, the night view also cans not holds up against her that struck with fright or horror magic power"Zhu …, depend on ancient beautiful station at hole doorway light tone surprised shout a , be like hair view what the strange affair is general, cover mouth a full face surprise.
Guard at the four Tu Jia Tian private of stone cave entrance to cave, originally squinted fine quiet self-discipline, the Tu smelt a Jiao that concussed a public soul shout to spread, fiercely big Zheng eye, become to watch out for a while.
However, when four personal visions fall in succession depend on in the ancient beautiful body of time, they are foolish to live, all didn't dare to believe ground to crumple to rub his/her own eye at the same time fine, imitate a Buddha to feel the belle of view in eye being just his/her own illusion.
Wait they to make sure beautiful according to Tun after being true existence, 4 people suddenly the view is one eye, show to be fond of gassed shape at the same time, the ground of Chi Chi hopes depend on thou beautiful move also motionless, a Chi kind that is hanged up a soul.
"Follow me Yao …" lightly vomit severals according to ancient beautiful Zhu Chun**of phrase language, the corner of mouth starts to hang up a smiling face that casts a glamour myriad living things, the beautiful leg lightly lifts, toward part walk.Stone cave entrance to cave four Tu Jia's private in the sky, the look in the eyes is fond of Mang, really be like lost soul son, the fan inebriates ground to hope her.As well tread to as well tend ground to follow.
Under thou tree, the Ji vast sky lightly jilted a head, the brief exhibition view in eye comes out of the fan inebriate of color, in a twinkling fade away without a trace, the low voice smiled to smile:"Is severe!Luo of the wood, the absolute being teaches of"the Shu of Mei in the sky, rather deep according to ancient beautiful scholastic attainment!The Shu of "beautiful according to thou naturally have the natural intelligence of this aspect, her self-discipline" Mei in the sky, half effort and double results, however she in normal times in all disdain to with the Shu of "the Shu of Mei in the sky meets the enemy, if not that I force her, she afraid is Be not willing to also self-discipline" Mei in the sky, "wood Luo the low voice explain.
", This is why?"The Shu of Mei in the sky is absolute being to teach a kind of the most miraculous secret, the most suitable match beautiful woman since the childhood self-discipline, the Shu of "the Shu of Mei in the sky fixed extreme achievement, the of every act and move could make world man did obeisance in the ground, could not living the idea of holdout forever, depended on the extremely tragic of ancient beautiful United States, " Mei in the sky, absolutely be is created by her, why she would not like to self-discipline?, Ji vast sky oddness.
The Shu of "she says" Mei in the sky isn't a proper way, her despise depends this kind of Mei Shu to cope with enemy"wood Luo helplessly explanation, hesitated for a while.Wood Luo says again:"Religious leader, the view teaches in the Mo Ni so-called of" casts a glamour have no boundary, the Mei Shu is a You orchid to pass I teach"the Shu of Mei in the sky, remnants originally create, at the beginning You orchid makes use of" cast a glamour have no boundary, the Mei Shu is winning soil but brings about very some kind of actions of.The Shu of ""casting a glamour to have no boundary" that the Mo Ni teaches is a You orchid to make use of I teach" Mei in the sky, Pang originally create?, This Mi Xin, a Chinese family name his pouring is to don't know and right away cross-examine a way.
The You an orchid still a Mo Ni taught saint in those early years the female of time, ever the body of the Gu arrives at medium soil, made use of rare beautiful looks and Mei Shu.Make medium soil numerous privates and superiors vie with each other in for her jealous get into nasty fight, brought about a Xing breeze blood rain, many heros that gain considerable fame one square originally the oath solemnly pledged ground sent punitive expedition her in the past, however on seeing her will faint a head to change direction, can not distinguish own position, on the contrary became her ministers of evil bottoms.
If not that the Cao Xuan in young time is strange to isn't been fond of by You orchid, expeled she medium soil, also don't know she will at in the soil make a much wind waves to come out.
"Although is an enemy, I have to admit that the You orchid is really a surprised life time remarkable talent, either, she just gets me to teach.The Shu of Mei in the sky, a spool of remnants origin, young of she but another open up Xi of path, simply created the Shu of "cast a glamour have no boundary, Mei Shu, at present' cast a glamour have no boundary, of Shu F become the Mo Ni teach the saint female required secret, depend on thou beautiful of so would not like to deeply fix" Mei in the sky, also is because this, she doesn't like other people the saint that she teaches with Mo Ni female comparison"wood Luo in a soft voice explain.
"Leave."Ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky was used simple words order tower in Western Regions inside:"You stay in the outside, in a short while don't let depend on a thou beautiful come in."Take an inside Leng for a while, then just the favour Gong body mean understand, he is very surprised Ji vast sky so quick can use words in Western Regions.This Hou.Take those hole persons of guarding of four Tu Jia according to ancient beautiful till.4 people the vision is stagnant, still be as well treading to as well tend ground to follow her to walk, early F through forgot his/her own job to guard.
Ji vast sky, wood Luo, take stem and take radicle 4 people, present four ghosts, lightly such as have no thing ground the Lue disappears the stone cave of bottom to black that Mu, in one Shan in the hole doorway but die, turn eye disappearance to disappear.
Got into inside the hole, the devil mask in four deep blue was worn by 4 people face up, the whole body breathing is concealed to go, silently go toward deep place of stone cave of the Qian is concealed.The top of hill of gold iron belongs to Tu Jia's mine, as Chen Yi Hui says the deepest place of halfway up a hill contains heavy a place gold, soil spiritual influence, can conceive is condensed by the gold, soil vitality of five lines of dollars are crystal medium of the gold dollar is crystal, the soil dollar is crystal, have being five lines of is pure of the spirit coagulation come out of the dollar is crystal, the value is biggest to private in the sky of five lines of days of territory.
Five lines of days of territory, not only need to let an absolute being soul in five lines of fish-eye of spirit, also need to make use of a five lines of vitalities, dollar stone to review the chain bone space blood vessels, make to take five lines of essences in the body, just can truely be familiar with so of make use of five lines of of dint, wear mountain to bury the not in context of present discussion is also.
Chen Yi Hui hears that he wants five to act like to fix, presented him with the forging**the best water dollar is crystal, the wood dollar is crystal, however the fire dollar is crystal, crystal gold dollar, soil dollar crystal Chen Jia has no at this time, but Chen Yi Hui indicated for him 1 to hold a house to seek.
Hold for a those early years ever and the Ji house united in marriage, regrettable cloud of Ji Wan after arriving at Tu Jia not only didn't can ask for help of Tu Jia's strength to make real strenght in the Ji house strong and on the contrary was subjected to indignity at Tu Jia, drive that the plum orchid rowed a few ferocious scar formations on the face, then was butchered family to rush through to go out.
Zhao Mei Lan's this old grudge Ji vast sky F through report, but he still doesn't reduce to Tu Jia's old grudge, a listen to gold iron mountain halfway up a hill that Chen Yi Hui say a house in produce to have a crystal crystal rarely seen gold dollar, soil dollar, he moved evil heart right away, Chen Yi Hui heard that wood Luo has a gossip for sky of fixing of territory for after, smiled to smile to also have no to say more what, recognized tacitly his action, just gave repeated advice to him to carefully do.
When!When be!
Gold iron hands over the voice of shot and suddenly spread out from the flank is a hole**, this halfway up a hill is all entrance to cave everywhere, each entrance to cave all black paint sea of, after coming in they have grow could not touch a way of felling, on hearing handing over of gold iron shot voice, several people want to don't also think and kept voice toward spreading ring of the entrance to cave drills.
Receiving is shining, in place ahead show a view to come out, several wear to butcher the family servant person's dress to pack of dry thin Jing strong man, take iron Zhi in a hand is pounding stone wall, mouth in scold.
"Mama of, Lao Tze greatly and from afar matched city to rush through to go and live with Tu Jia from the Luo and also thought that the enthusiasm that canned be subjected to Tu Jia treated, where knew to unexpectedly make Lao Tze dig a mineral, returned a to dig is more than a years, had already known thus, Lao Tze doesn't come.
"Several bottoms of oils, a face with pitch dark piece, one among those persons' low voice complains.
"Only dig an enough dollar stone, we can come out this mine with making our state lowly and connected three the territories of sky just don't arrive.If you have for five lines of days, **the fixing of territory of sky for.Arrive at after holding a house there need come to suffer hardship here, immediately will be received by Tu Jia for the guest of honor, when the time comes from have the dollar of various each kind the stone and the self-discipline material send to your in front, don't need you to give a lot of care"another an individual helplessly shake head, the Ai voice sighs a way.
"Lao Tze has to have**the fixing of territory of sky for, where can not be comfortable and happy, how will be Tu Jia?
Hum, **the spreading of territory of sky fix for a sky, private, early is seven greatest households to live a good life to go to inside the six greatest religious sects!, That person angrily however way.
A little fellow that"hiss, you two small voices 1:00" hasn't been talking did the signal of the voice of an Ao and depressed voice to say:"I once said with you, it is said that butchered an every family lord in gold iron mountain halfway up a hill self-discipline, you say so loudly, not afraid be heard by him?"Hold an every family lord how may at such a see not get the place self-discipline of light, we at here more than a years, can have never seen the shadow of the every family lord of Tu, you affirmation talk nonsense"
That person first talking full face not letter, however the voice talked is still a little bit small.
"We have never seen, not represent other people have never seen."Bu statures the voice is more and more low, the ghost ghost some oar ground says:"My a friend dug here for three years and once saw come out a Tu every family lord from that a piece of forbidden ground, that forbidden ground it is said that producing gold dollar was crystal, the soil dollar was crystal and butchered every family clan a self-discipline inside secret room under the forbidden ground!, Ji vast sky, wood 4 Luos silently backed back, according to the position said by that several people, keep the hole that goes deep into toward underground toward one**rush.
Is an all bifurcate hole everywhere in the halfway up a hill**, several ten wear to hold family servant a person dress Shan of lower class private in the sky, in each hole**inside scoop out a dollar stone, it isn't to don't know because gold iron below the hills noodles that of cause, each one breaks open in this halfway up a hill of hole**inside, can really see some golds with poor quality fasten, the soil fasten to work properly a stone.
The reason those daily life at home servants loiter in the halfway up a hill to scoop out, just is that those quality the very general gold fasten, the soil fasten a dollar stone, these stone although quality badly, fix a gold to fasten to five lines of days of territory Jing, the soil fasten private in the sky of a dollar dint to say, or have a not small attraction.
The halfway up a hill outside can have the gold fastens, the soil fasten of the low quality work properly a stone, be called the district of gold iron halfway up a hill heart forbidden ground, can conceive a gold to fasten, the soil fasten a crystal probability of a dollar to really exist, the gold of that forbidden ground fastens, the soil fasten of the world vitality must be extremely heavy, butchering 8 will where the self-discipline is also in clear and ordered pattern.
"Although we aren't afraid to butcher eight, had better also not disturb him, if he really has a gossip for sky of fixing of territory for, once he comes to turn from the self-discipline, will certainly break our good matters" toward that forbidden ground Lue go to of time, the Ji vast sky depresses voice and wood 3 Luos to say.
"Take stem and take a radicle, you stay in the outside, if underneath that person really has a gossip for sky of fixing of territory for.Once you close to that a cake of, he can realize right away your absolute being soul motion"
Wood Luo stops dead, low voice to take stem and take a radicle 2 people order.
Hesitated for a while, wood Luo looking at Ji vast sky, some doubt grounds say:"Religious leader, do you really have confidence to make him could not realize your breathing?"
Deeply absorbed an one breath, the Ji vast sky popped in to have me of territory, the whole body breathing is quietly concealed to go, even the absolute being soul also stopped motion, for an instant, he imitates a Buddha dark of one part, again be like became a wisp of real ghost, there is no just a tiny bit life motion.
Luo of the wood a foolish, the ground of Zheng Zheng hopes him, the half rang to just order to nod:"If not that tightly leaning against with religious leader, afraid is even I could not feel your existence.As long as you be not at that person view line scope inside, I think that he should really could not realize your existence"
For a while, wood Luo praises highly a way:"No wonder that the religious leader would not like to give up the secret that the bitterness fixs and change to fix what absolute being teach.The Ao Luo's absolute being boon is satisfactory achievement, , the secret of the religious leader originally unlike absolute being teaches a Mi method inferior to"
Luo really recognizes after wood, Ji vast sky finally affirmation under the territory that have me, even private in the sky of the territory of gossip sky could not realize his existence as well in the farther scope, this lets his confidence greatly increase and affirm great void Mi to record more is the absolute being of the any not inferior to world miraculous secret achievement."Leave" to have no to think more, he figure in a flash, toward deeply disappearing bottom ground, the halfway up a hill center of earth floats to go and teaches to step in downwards tilting to one siding extended stone wall, fall in such as the feather, there is no some voice.
Wood fog is like the ghost in dead hour, whole personal afloat get empty in the half, the feet don't are stained with ground and tightly stick at him after death, always don't leave his body one meter.
Light and golden shimmer, suddenly since the afar showed.Is like a cover son to block up the passage of front actually, light golden color shimmer after, is an extremely spacious vacant land, deep place have quickly passing time such as the trickle small stream Be similar to drift in the hole, over there golden color shimmer front, Ji vast sky, wood 2 Luos stopped down together."Very heavy gold, soil vitality!"On coming to a stop, the Ji vast sky right away cans not controls feelings ground to lightly shout 1.Is full is a strange light in the eyes.
For world vitality extremely sharp of he, realized on dropping down the wonderful place of that spacious stone house in front, the heavy gold, soil vitality unexpectedly coagulated flowing water similar appearance, slowly flow in that stone house, this is like simply covering similar thin golden color shimmer is obviously artificial very much,beats by dre studio hd.
Added the shimmer cover of this gold yellow son, the gold, soil vitality of that spacious stone house has no 1 wisp to outside overflow to go and all come together at stone house in.
An eye hopes to go, the that stone house deep place is an all flickering and flaring rock everywhere, between the material life circulate the most wide gold, silver all all over the place BE, even the Mi silver, black iron and gold of some refining absolute being soldier's sharp weapon sands all have some, the Ji vast sky seeing is that the full face is surprising, cannot helps but rising the mind of collections in the heart.
The gold, soil vitality of world comes together together and conceived in the coon age numerous work properly a treasure, most ask for still hanging of person's attention in a few rocks of fist sizes on the head, as radiant as a jade don't deeply, but the soil dollar that sends forth Huang Guang is crystal, a piece of piece of natural present a Zhi form, give person 1 kind have no hard not Cui felling of the gold dollar is crystal.
One the Ying Wo gold color, yellow flowing water similar world vitality, follow a special track, the flying to of a little is hanged empty gold dollar of stone wall crystal, the soil dollar is crystal up, an eye hopes to go, that gold dollar is crystal, the soil dollar is crystal is like this natural treasure ground knot to come out of fruit, unexpectedly give people a kind of animate marvellous illusion.The Ji vast sky anxiously stares at the gold dollar in the stone house crystal, the soil dollar is also crystal, have that refining absolute being soldier who spreads all over in everyplace of sparse lack material, know to a treasure for the first time of the ground actually can produce much effect to a household, there is such a treasure ground, no wonder that hold a house can rise.Naturally the gold dollar is crystal, the soil dollar is crystal, light with those Mi silver, black iron and gold sand these are strange to lack material, Tu Jia can exchange an enough dollar toward the another household stone, sit the household of hugging the treasure mountain, as long as canning guard treasure mountain and want not to have rapid promotion all difficult!
"The religious leader, this cover son in gold yellow, is by all means that to butcher 8 establishes" sees Ji vast sky one face greedy kind ground note a view inside the stone house of various strange lack to work properly a stone, is like silly general Leng where an on every occasion, wood Luo has to make a noise to remind:"The religious leader want into, have to destroy this cover son in gold yellow and cover once the son ruin and butcher eight necessarily have been already responded.See, we wanted silently and went in not too probably"
Luo of the wood calls tower to do 2 people to come over, the strong onrush goes!Butchering eight to point a to come out is been by you him.I and take to do 3 people will at you with butcher eight time for exchanging blows, inside the stone house of strange lack to work properly a stone of the collections get up, once our collections good, immediately withdraw to walk!"The Ji vast sky fiercely wakes up with a start, after pondering for a while, resolute underground order.
In the certain scope, wood Luo has method to be taught with the Ao Luo's absolute being special profound meaning again the absolute being soul contact take to do 3 people, wood Luo shuts worthy of a look fine, the absolute being soul overflows 1 wisp.
In a short while and later on, tower stem, take a radicle two brotherses since the outside walked.
What person!"Take stem and take a radicle two brotherses just close to, formerly square stone house deep place, suddenly spread a sharp of pole of fierce drink"
Take a stem and tower radicle two brotherses at seven of territory, they don't have self-discipline great void Mi to record so miraculous profound meaning, on closing to a this place, immediately drive holding of stone house deep place eight hair views"break!"Wood Luo drinks low, start beginning strong rushed"
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