
Beats by Dre Just Beats ely different magic

Only think, if the silk of Li Li really has what words, I have already taken to hit the ground jail army corps to kill the God field to go to and also stay here and are you carefree to pull?"
"You are to say ……have already found out the silk of Li Li?"The voice of Yi Hao shows unintentionally suppress don't live of excitement.
"This, in the passage of hell resume as usual after, I immediately send a devil searches the movements of the silk of Li Li, although didn't°yet accurate whereabouts, however the breathing that has already caught her follow breathing to check to descend and make sure that her position is also these two days of problem ……how, trusted on the whole?"Road west the method clap the shoulder of Yi Hao, then annexed 1 again."I am a little bit generous, those guys that rend away saint coffin hand over to you to cope with, however Raphaelesque you must stay to me and plus the matter of the silk of Li Li and have already had a lot of affairs to need to be liked between he and I clear up accounts for a while."
"……Wait you to find out Li Li the silk is behind say again."Yi Hao literally on waving hand, rise order for leave under the beginning."Speak of to Satan, here of can is all my family, the party of household inner part, is your a hellish devil king's gathering together to come in a plan to is light bulb to arrive when?"
"Is really heartless, son-in-law, I am somehow also regarded as your father-in-law?"Road west the method pack a facial expression of sorrow, living room turn head to took a look after death, from quiet rain arrive emperor's dragon, almost whole is an entirely different magic power fairy, not from get a regrets."Wu, this is absolutely an even God also wants to envy become mad of empress temple,Beats Detox, son-in-law, I on the contrary start worrying now the silk of Li Li to you the later meeting Be not more difficult to lead, probably leave her here on the contrary a little bit better in the hell ……"
"The silk of Li Li is mine, Satan, even if God also robs not to walk."The Yi Hao takes aim road west method.
"……You thought like this me to trust, that I didn't bother the party of household, the light bulb still left earlier well."Road west method the light break into laughter come and stay back one step concealed go into unreal of in the ripple, the only unclear voice spreads."Finally giving you one is advice, son-in-law.God in fact not at inside in the world comprehended by us,Beats by Dre Just Beats, would rather worry those than be worried about him to Gao the angel's trouble, even if you can vanquish Raphael, but Raphael on still have the rice Jia the Lei at, rice Jia Lei on still have plum tower Long especially at, never see the real strenght of low sky of boundary."
"Go, I didn't intend to open hostilities with the boundary in sky again."The Yi Hao dynasty road west the method compared a signal.So far, the Yi Hao hasn't opened hostilities with the boundary in sky of plan,Artist Series, Li Li the affair of the silk is only limited by him and Raphaelesque of gratitude and grudge.As long as boundary in the sky doesn't come to provoke his ground words.He doesn't intend interference for sky the activity of boundary, but if boundary decision in the sky affirm him for the enemy, that he will also respond to by same attitude,
The hand is the rice Jia a Lei still a plum tower especially Long, he can't be the slightest unable to decide again.
The Yi Hao returns to the time of living room .The atmosphere has already warmly got up.Card rice's pulling has already carried elegant dessert, but fade next to absolute being aureole after ground emperor's dragon.In fact is to very permit a companionable personality, therefore cloth Lun rare Er the virtuous etc. person also relaxed down gradually, very quick acquaint with in the claver, topic's concentrating Yi Hao naturally ground is in the body.
The emperor seems dragon to Yi Hao and cloth Lun rare Er the virtuous story is specially interested in, cross-examine at her under, cloth Lun the rare Er is virtuous to also have to with together virtuous affair in the space Fu Be thin to say 1 time.Have already listenned to quiet rain and iron orchid be another matter, but still the first time hear of moxa beautiful card peep out and emperor's dragon equally astounding facial expression.See pull a ground of vision to seem toward the card rice at scathing rebuke her, why not and early report the so important affair to host.
However Xuan force aside take leisurely and carefreely a facial expression article the card rice pull the black tea of cannon system, that facial expression the slightest also has no surprise, seem to be already to understand, this shape sees in the eyes of Yi Hao.Feel Xuan Wu Shen Shang is covering with the 1 F fan's fog, seem even emperor's dragons didn't see not and deeply.
"Hey, you chat very happily."The Yi Hao raises hand to beat to receive.Sat side by side the flank of iron orchid, publically the view concentrated in his body right away, and started to compare a past, fixing of Yi Hao in order to have already substantially had a progress, carry the hand of cup the slightest rock to send to a mouth side."H'm, is card rice's pulling the tea of bubble really a rare article, unfortunately I arrived late an one step."
Yi bold and unconstrained bottom cup, see to emperor's dragon."If elder sister Shui, just I once lifted, there was a mattered to want to ask you."
"H'm, what?"Emperor, Long Dian, nods, the look in the eyes shows unintentionally to appreciate of flavor.
Although the Yi Hao in past has a docile gentle and kind personality, but the Yi Hao in past lacks energy, therefore give people the felling of the indecision, don't know whether step the change that the in mental concentration area brings, his voice and facial expressions all show unintentionally the self-confidence of mightiness now, moderate vision although just as since go toward, but contain a strong will among them, and with prepare to pay will the action of fulfillment-if the Yi Hao that says a past still needs the younger brother whom she looks after, that is current of he has already grown up for the he-man that only blocks one noodles, emperor's dragon very likes Yi Hao current shape.
"I want to invite you to teach me how to seal a divine method."Anyway also surprisingly what tactfully of parlance, the Yi Hao is simply to come straight to the point ground to put forward.
"Seal absolute being?"Emperor's Long Wen's speech lightly knits the brows, this is that she prepares to think inside the scope outside of problem.
So-called the absolute being is also the rites that is directly given an ordinary mortal absolute being space by the absolute being 祇 , the in the interval doesn't take hard endless thousand years to fix a way and also abridged dangerous difficult the sky measuring rob a test and one-steply ascend heaven to step an in mental concentration area!
Although to ordinary mortal, this is the chance for longing for day and night,seal a divine condition in fact very rigorous, as the price that is acquired divine power by the one who seal absolute being, sealing the divine absolute being 祇 will lose the divine power of this part, therefore then the absolute being 祇 that only owns a lord absolute being above absolute being space can carry on absolute being, but main absolute being following the absolute being 祇 of the rank seal without authorization divine of words, that result is an oneself to lose an absolute being space.
"Yi Hao you to who intend to seal absolute being?You just just acquired an absolute being space, the root returned in the second absolute being rank, seal absolute being to you still a little bit all too soon."According to this cause, emperor's naturally dragon's ground takes into to advise to solve.
"I want seal my absolute being space to iron elder sister Lan."The Yi Hao looking at iron at the side of body orchid and denounces thus.
The living room is silent to come down for an instant, the visions of owner all concentrate in the body of iron orchid, while the vision of iron orchid then solidify on the body of Yi Hao, one face of hard believe, even becoming voices is stammer."Yi Hao, you ……do you want to seal absolute being space and seal to me?"
"H'm, this is my decision."The point of Yi Hao nods, there are no more explanations, the facing emperor's dragon asks."Be so, if elder sister Shui please tell me to seal a divine method."
Emperor's dragon that"……" is inquired but rare silent next go.Say by chance also good, strangely fits also good, the present middleman only has iron orchid still on lying any body, therefore she also probably comprehended the reason that Yi Hao makes this decision, however still keep giving a warning to him."Yi Hao, current of you are quiet quiet just second absolute being just, sealing the divine price is that you will therefore lose an absolute being space, I hope that you can think it's clear ……."
"I have already thought, even if the momentary loses an absolute being space, as long as I practice moral teachings hard and acquire an absolute being space again also just sooner or later of problem, right?"The point of Yi Hao nods to have no the slightest hesitant of the voice say."So if elder sister Shui please tell me."

Volume 4 starts the book chapter 35 dead of source to rob
Renew time:2008-11-315:24:19 chapter word numbers:5789

Of proposal, iron orchid meant vigorous brush-off, she really hoped earnestly to get the strength of Hao, but is this but from the Yi Hao on deprival strength of body, this is basically the behavior for putting the cart before the horse.However Yi Hao put the husband's dignity, forcing her has to accept down.
Seal absolute being in that day immediately carry on, and say like emperor's dragon of so, the Yi Hao seals the absolute being space to the price of iron orchid, then his oneself loses an absolute being space.However because the cause that early there is preparation, the Yi Hao has no regret to this and on the contrary get an absolute being space Related articles:

