
Beats by Dr Dre studio ne didn't want to sh

"How to prepare to thank?"Liao's big wave asks.
Leaf's any Zheng.
"Do you guess what my a fondness for is?"Liao's big wave simultaneously say part dynasty leaf Ping body up conjecture.
"Steal things!"Leaf any hurriedly affirmative ground of tone answers.
"?"Liao big wave Leng for a while, immediately way:"That also calculates ……however that aspect you seem to provide what recompense of means?"
"E, the absolute being in those early years steals a shadow to fly you to certainly know?"Leaf any asks.
"Certainly, that is my idol."Liao Tao says.
"The personally sign that the shadow flies do you have interest?"Leaf any asks.
"What do you say?"Eyes of Liao's big wave stare big.
"This matter if the solving me makes 2 for you."Leaf any says.
"Etc., you are suddenly and leisurely little I, you are to literally write 2 to come out, I don't know as well isn't true!"Liao Tao says.
"You can seek specialized talented person to check!"Leaf any says.
"This which have what specialized talented person."Liao Tao says, but eyes a blink don't blink ground to stare at a leaf any:"Does the your understanding shadow fly?Hasn't he died?You and he what relate to?"
"Have no!In fact I am to have two memos, it is said that that is the original handwriting that copies to fly and is really a leave I also not clear, take to see for you next time?"Leaf any says.
"Like!If"Liao's big wave nods, " is really to can want to send to me!"
Leaf any smiles.
"You don't smile, if is really true of, how do you also stay not to live."Liao Tao says.
"Why?"Leaf any doesn't understand.
"What is your forgetting me a stem?"Liao's big wave smiles, here inside in the door spread to shout a voice again:"Liao's big wave, finished to have no, quickly shout!"
"Come to come!"Liao the big wave Be shoulding wear and opening the door and going in.
"Wait bottom!"Leaf any again call.
"Still have what matter?"
"That wolf attends to, why once you say to walk, did he immediately walk?"
"Because he is filial, fear me to tell his mama these."Liao Tao says.
"Do you know each other?"
"Hey, I am his old elder brother."Liao's big wave smiled to smile, yelled "I came" and turned round to hurtle into a door.
The relationship of Shu boundary is also very complicated!Leaf any marvels.

Volume 3 chapter 268 sense of responsibility
Renew time:2008-10-70:59:51 chapter word numbers:3284

Liao's big wave returns to room and leaves the person of the first floor way.
"Feed.How are you?"Any colleagues of leaf.
"It is unimportant."1 lay the person by the side of leaf's any feet to put to put a hand.
Spread a scream in building way at this time.Someone yells "the elevator has an accident past".The miscellaneous and disorderly step voice upsurges, leaf any suddenly thinks of what, turn a head to ask leaf Ping:"You say have surveillance here, that were we to all expose?"
"If all Shus are like you.That was to all expose."Leaf Ping sighs and pointed to point to take over dime to say:"Their making moves front has already broken monitor,Beats by Dr Dre studio."
Leaf any title sees, what don't also see.But seem to be positive should leaf Ping speak of"have already been broken".
Leaf Ping hands shoulder to stand up to say from the ground:"Please!Is a Shu also should have a little at least of sense of responsibility.The common run of people is to don't know us this person's existence.Supporting this kind of situation is the responsibility and obligation that each Shu should exert ……"leaf Ping still want to immediately after say.But the staff member of hotel also large numbers ofly flowed out to come up at this time.
"Ah, leave quickly, can you walk?"Leaf any ask ground up of the colleagues.
"Need not, you leave!"They say.
"That you ……"
"Our aring is the injured of trouble good."Public answer.
Leaf any hasn't understood and has already heard someone yelling:"There is maimed person here, too!"Immediately after see several people greatly tread to rush to come over.Silly station aside of leaf any is seen by them as the person with no duty at of Ai hand Ai feet, a push a part:"It is troublesome to let."Immediately after start nursing a ground of injured.
Then view leaf Ping.Because growing is beautiful, and handses shoulder to do to get hurt a form, also be subjected to a public concern, go up to inquire condition in succession.The leaf of the in the interval any again drive regard as the loiterer pull out to pull out several times.
The person more gathers more many.Have the salvage the injured's medical personnel.There is staff member in the hotel of understand circumstance.Still have already the sense of smelt an intelligent medium staff member, the whole aisle is noisy uncommon.Leaf's any fee the dint of the tremendous amount.This just arrives at a colleague nearby.
"Ah!Have your senior clerk's telephone.Do I seek him to still occupy!"
That person by leap and bound reported a number.
"How much how much?I didn't listen to pure."Leaf any calls to think again walk through 1:00, already drive a push away:"Don't harass an injured, what person are you ?"
"?I am also an injured."Leaf any says.
The other party up and down conjectures, didn't see a leaf any which get hurt.Turn a head to picked up interphone:"The report reports that I have a suspicious member.You come up to take a look."
"Walk quickly!"Leaf Ping comes over to pull a leaf any.
"Ah you can not walk!"That person wants to come up arrestment.But he which have this ability, any leaf of leaf Ping at he in a moment of the effort have already been missing.
This person's one Zheng.Hurriedly lift interphone again:"One male one female, very suspicious, just come downstairs go to, you attention, notice."
When the down stairs smell breeze but move to start noticing, any leaf Ping of leaf already open car to leave from afar.
"How you always have no a matter can also living a point matter!"Ye Ping complains.
"MD, the telephone didn't want to shout!"Leaf any is also complaining.
"15991599459."Leaf Ping report ascend a flee number, " is this."
"Are you how can anyone know?"Leaf any is surprising.
"I heard."Ye Ping says.
"How didn't I listen to pure."
"You also listenned to pure, differentiation just you didn't remember."Ye Ping says.
Leaf any sighs.Right away pulled out a telephone.
"Feed, ink stone senior clerk?I am leaf any!Have a meal?I invite you to have a meal!"Come straight to the point, directly take a fondness for of the other party to carry on temptation.
"?What about task?Walk not to open?Don't relate to, you is which task, I take lunch box for you to come over."Leaf any says.
"Hey Hey ……" leaf's any stem smiles, "the big senior clerk don't play me, I really have urgent matter.Seek the guy that you protect."
"Really.Don't believe you to ask small Yang.You the small Yang of set, wear glasses, liked to smoke to drink to play mahjong of the."
"Go a line, you ask quickly, I wait your letter."Leaf any hanged a telephone.
"How to say?"Ye Ping says.
"He says to ask small Yang what is the row ……do you say whether he intentionally plays me?"
The leaf Ping Song is shrugged shoulders to show not to know, immediately after stopped the car to a wayside.
On seeing, leaf's any dynasty's side's a teahouse.
"Is dry what?"Leaf at the time that any asked, leaf Ping had already got off.
"Take a rest a short while, did I just also suffer from some wounds eldest brother."Ye Ping says.
"……" Leaf any followed to get off.2 people entered teahouse to want a pack and literally ordered pot tea.Leaf Ping to sofa a slanting close eyes not to talk.
Leaf any again in a hurry made a telephone call for small Yang, such and such say some kind of.Let him quickly say "hello" a proof to his senior clerk for a while.
Leaf any face with never thoughts small Yang will be so big.After finishing saying to him soon, the telephone of ink stone beat back.The tone matches slow many:"Feed.Little leaf, where?"
Leaf any reported place name.Hurriedly inquire the place of the other party.
"Need not, I take person for you to come over."The ink stone says.
"That how not bashful, you are very kind."Leaf any is very in fear.
"Where words.Since is oneself Related articles:

