
Beats by Dr Dre studio ain calculate whatT

Rise an eyebrow:"You are to say main force dragon of Yu don't Sun, we of main battleship but in the depletion?The birds' twitter is cold, you can see clear war situation is already to greatly have been already made progress, but haven't seen through Xuan among them falsely!"
"Dare to ask adult esteemed view."
"It is total said Yu dragon to beat quite goodly.Gao mansion ship resides far shot of heavy artillery in, the grass Pie ship, the sea Cang ship, Cang mountain iron these artillery weak personnel but many of medium small the battleship resist escort in the outside and wait for an opportunity and our hand to hand fight, put together depletion, crest thermodynamic power.This form the elephant a cake of is stubborn, most is difficult next, since keep main force and then biggest die or injure for us, if continue to keep on beating like this, most likely we through can not stand depletion, Sha feather but return."
"Why does that adult still beat according to intention of the Yu dragon?"
"Ha ha, that because the consideration of Yu dragon neglected the spirit of our bushido!Eat not and deeply us the decision that the soldier doesn't fear to die in the gross profit house!If meet common opponent Yu dragon have been already won at this time.Canning only cherish is my crack soldier in the gross profit house to!Always is all fierce to stand in no fear of dead, I also wish to use the failure that person's head exchanges a clear soldier!"Gross profit dollar excitedly says, the facial expression starts to be suffused with light tide red.
An explanation way:The "once heard Chinese 《 farmland hates horse-racing 》of literary reference?Last horse to the medium horse, medium the horse dismount to the last horse towards dismounting, .The victory of end still keeps belonging to ours!"
The birds' twitter is cold to is excited a while:"Gross profit adult, you are to say that our large boats and shipses are last horses, medium boat the pass ship is early small the ship is to dismount, is the clear soldier equally such?"
The gross profit dollar is tiny to nod, the Mi rises of eyes one Shan but now the ray of light of deceitful cruelty:"BE exactly.And our dismount more than their last Ma Duo's.The depletion drops the side side Cape Cape of clear soldier navy outer circle, 800 of our pass ships are early small ship just dash up, match a main blessing ship of clear soldier of shot!With 800 to 200, I not the letter take not come down!"
"But, so our water soldier main forces will lose miserably heavy!"The birds' twitter cold complexion fiasco ground defends.
"This is exactly the Yu dragon to cope with of place.He neglected my dollar to match a war to never account the habit of dead and injured, by all means pay for it!I once computed and escorted the outer circle of clear soldier navy the boat clean off, we need the price of paying house war ship of 50 Anne.But compare to rout clear water soldier main force, the southeast has a full figure the ground of cream Huang allow me to take, the house ship of 50 Anne again calculate what?The Yu dragon definitely accounts to dare not believe me to after losing 50 main ships just start decisiving battle with him, he of so dare not believe, not he could not guess me this to wear, but don't dare to think!Woulding be of his want for we gross profit warrior of malicious hot!Ha ha!"
Birds' twitter cold anti- track:"But, the house ship of Anne carries a soldier 200, 50 would are 10,000 soldiers, is all our good sons of Ji farmland city!"
Gross profit dollar:"Eight spaces!Matter in desire Chengkong University how could ties down by conventions minor point of conduct?I hope to get victory, soldier's death toll not in the row of calculation!"
The birds' twitter is cold to painfully crawl to kneel ground.Cruel of lord Mr., pitiful soldier!But oneself, really have no dint to obstruct!Dollar of heart, have already been hoodwinked by the exaggerative victory greed.
On another battleship, martial brave outstanding Ji Chuan dollar spring Gao Ju the officer's sword Hao call a way:"I wait to fight to be first, clear soldier from back!"
And same time Yu Long Yu Da Dun You by a happy chance also with old the argument condition of the enemy of Lu Tang Shen :"The gross profit leads Japanese disorderly five medium the soldier of soldier, enter beat greatly the soldier of hard clearly, I the building ship in the middle support, the boat attacks from both flanks to round a war ……"
Lu Tang roars with laughter:"Certainly making his sea water exert is red but returns!"
Pair soup gram the 寛 idea is delicate, remind Yu Long Dao:"Such dozen method,Beats by Dr Dre studio, the Japanese invaders loss miserably weighs several become settled situation!However thief offensive such as crazy, play such as under rain, my outer circle renders assistance a Shao ship to as well quickly decrease in the middle, once losing almost exhausted, the main blessing ship in then loses safe natural cover.Then Japanese invaders thousand battleship Fengs hug but up, the ship necessarily breaks, the result is so terrible we dares not thinks about it!"
Yu the big You is happy ha ha ground breadth solution pair will:"Old soup, you don't want to be unnecessary worry again!I am afraid that the gross profit dollar could not support to dub out my ship the time of the sharp angle.Contend for a war to weigh vehemence most , the soldier once died or injured to greatly and by all means cause to fall low and influenced morale.If the gross profit wants to beat only my outer circle, needs to pay death over ten thousand prices at least!I don't believe, the death and harm overs ten thousand gross profit water soldiers can still morale upsurge, assault to leave for dead?"
The soup gram 寛 disagrees:"Don't despise Japanese invaders.The person of Wo is vulgar to lack culture, the Wu life gets very!"
The Yu big You smiles, again pretend sigh a way:"Old soup I not is also have no way?Soldier's major general is few, his grandmother beat two hours, navy in Guangdong's imitating a Buddha wasn't the sea border of greatly clear Fujian province Yue here, unexpectedly out of hearing one silk action!The none supports!We in hand only this war capability, face to face strong gross profit water soldier, also have to do so, be to once shrink a tortoise!"
Soup gram 寛 and Lu Tang to see one eye, helpless way:"At present troops not equal to person, only have so."
All the Du together knows that Lu Tang gets angry with tunnel more:"The post-war big You must contact with me the southeast will get, jointly to emperor three ascend a , the Ge drops the officer of strict Song relatives, that Guangdong navy!Now at present the southeast of the anti- Wo first important affair, what can let, breaking can not permit anti- Wo not of coward mix to eat to wait dead in the southeast!"
The circumstance finally takes a sudden turn and develops rapidly.I see a navy ship in Fukien Cang mountain iron of the outer circle am eaten up with the passage a little in time, the heart is far from good.Is already an in the evening of life at this time, the month shadow pours to hang, sea torch one, and then have a war ship continuously the Ran wear and suicide by fire at the sea and reflect Chen get desire quiet not only sea water top and bottom is generally red, keep the elephant this one sea surface combustion to get up.The outer circle of navy in Fukien supports also enough longly, enough bitterness!
But they cannoted support!The Anne house argosy of gross profit went crazy attack, the big tube iron cannon on board keeps ringing, the worst is their battle to wear a ship type big, dry Xian Gao, run into clear soldier boat Cang mountain of outer circle iron persistently collide with, again don't go and then place the type of fireball at the ship's bow, while meeting from toss Gao bottom, many Cang mountain iron, not iron cannon big tube shot harm, but for fireball an emblaze, fire hair but ship Fen of!
Gross profit Anne the house ship didn't don't die or injure.Actually his dead and injured is much more serious than the clear soldier navy, clear soldier blessing the Buddha Lang machine on board beat violently, front of Anne house ship in namely powder.But they completely ignore and just attackstone Cang mountain iron and imitate the Buddha clear soldier building Buddha Lang machine cannon on board a burst of tight a burst of roars, be not deliver generally to them!These house argosy of Annes who carry to take it by storm a task, as long as canning also move, up of the Japanese invaders still keep taking a corner to resist stubbornly and make track for Cang mountain iron to request combat and get fed up with living generally.
I saw out, the Yu was big You soup gram the 寛 Lu Tang 's general all saw out.The scheme of gross profit:Beat light Yu the ship of the big You outer circle, the main force of big You, those 200 size blessing ships, would be such as be shelled light the beauty of the dress Shan, let people to pick.
But now even if put I at Yu the seat of the big You up, also could not take an exquisite stratagem.On the amount of hang extremely, the gross profit soldier's madness, all let the stupid spirit estimate shortage to the bushido of we, feel cure of success this a moment the suspense just being difficult to anticipate!

The third anti- Wo in 60's chapter 278 fire city
Renew time:2009-4-314:53:29 chapter word numbers:2059

The madness of the impish son we at last experienced!Face more than 900s to hide a sky to cover a day, the ship's bow makes track for stern, don't speak as well what composition crazily collide with since then of gross profit water soldier, but the everyone reaction is dissimilarity!
I momentary thought of:"Does the absolute being breeze offend to walk into death a brigade especially?"Mama of, play a life hurtle to the navy building ship in Fukien side, for throw a torch.Also not know that throwing that Gao is big such as the blessing ship of city have no, also not speak effect, anyway is a Wu life of, don't appear on stage noodles of crazy dog type attack!Don't know to have how much small early the ship is in the percussive process drive blessing ship the plough turn over, the artillery sends to the bottom, or the oneself person is crowded have already bumped Qing?This is no longer what have brain of march a cloth, complete such as type the ape sort go crazy a pretty wild dozen method, also this savage tribe in only small Japan often does come out!
Soup gram 寛 but some Qie, complexion hair white, the speeches are few.But frightened return frightened, it is a gifted instinct of mankind to fear, brave is the day after tomorrow whet to do, soup gram 寛 pair heart way:We since as the greatly clear general a life times be subjected to gentleman boon, absolutely can not beat to face Related articles:

