
Beats by Dr Dre solo d and preparing for

Ants are the most fascinating creatures. Their colonies are intricate. Each ant is capable of performing tasks that seem impossible for its size, weight and body mass. Together, an ant colony can bring down an insect 100 times its size. Together, the ants can build huge colonies to feed and shelter hundreds of thousands of ants per colony. They are always gathering food and preparing for the next season.

Imagine for a second an ant by itself. If it did not live with other ants, work with other ants. Would the ant be as powerful? Would it be able to eat when it cold outside? Without other ants to leverage the food gathering job, will one ant be able to gather enough food to keep it going? What about the colonies. Is there a place such as a colony for 1 ant?

Compare for a second, ants and people. Like ants, people also have the power to leverage the work of others. Which leads to the million dollar question: How can some people gather massive amounts of wealth when others who seem like generous, kind people barely seem to get on with their lives? The key is Leverage.

Every one has the same 24 hours in a day. Yet Donald Trump builds skyscrapers while another person with the same amount of time can barely survive. What the difference?

When a person decides to earn more wealth, the first thought that often enters their mind is a job. It can be a higher paying job, a different career, getting paid more in a job theye currently making. Work more hours, work overtime, work longer or wait for a raise?This thinking usually leads to an early grave. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, meaning that the efforts of one person can only go so far. No matter how hard you work, the 24 hours puts a capstone on the amount of results a single person efforts yield.

Do you think Robert Kiyosaki or Donald Trump are rewarded on solely their efforts and theirs alone? No,Beats by Dr Dre solo! They leverage their time and money. They own businesses with employees whose efforts contribute to the growth of its respective owners. Call them employees, advisors, bankers. There are countless people who provide each other service and together create more. Create more than the sum of their individual parts.

That is why 95% out of the wealthy 3% of the population own businesses. These businesses in turn provide leverage creating more wealth even when the owners of the business are sleeping, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a person begins to think in terms of leverage, a whole new world of freedom, and opportunity becomes available. Related articles:

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