
Beats by Dr Dre solo alf true half leave

Inside is to don't dare to look for a cosmos tree, the target is basic to reach, plusing him has been already exposed, he feels that he should return to an and sends back the supplies in great quantities needing , the moon can advance instauration voyage ability, hence, Li Jian enters upon preparation, send so many things return to, Li Jian has to be very careful, if make people discover to follow that to doom, is this, Li Jian especially the idea will transport airship to carry on a reformation, mainly is to install some on the trail of instrument of canning once avoid to probe intos and also have be jump up system to carry on a reformation to the energy system space.
This day, Li Jian just and the intelligence robot be together busy in refitting a few large conveyance ships, the sea Mu reaches Lu to warm and affectionately float he before the chest, Ceng wear he, Li Jian smiled to smile to stretch hand to daut its back and coagulated an energy regiment to feed to reach Lu for sea Mu on the hand.
The treasure is blue the heel is in the sea Mu reach Lu after death, he sweeps to see busy robot and asks a way:"Li Jian, do you want to walk?"
Li Jian has never thoughted of the treasure is blue to easily figure out his intention, now that figure out, he doesn't cover up as well, half true half leave tunnel:"I want to send to some things to go home, very quick will come back."
"BE?"The treasure is blue to stare at Li Jian with the look in the eyes of doubt, she intuition Li Jian's deceiving her is a lot of affairs.
Li Jian Dao:"I cheat your stem what."
The treasure is blue to lower the head to deliberate for a while, suddenly raise a head, way:"I also want to go."
"That doesn't go ……" Li Jian's wanting didn't think and then refuse as well.
The treasure blue side exposes a dissatisfied color, some angry tunnels:"Why can I not go?"
Li Jian quickly figures out a reasonable answer to come, positive color way:"E, this ……if you walked, we star thief alliance who come to get generally?No one gets generally, perhaps very quick drive to rout."
"It is also right."The treasure is blue to listen to Li Jian saying so, order to nod, wish oneself is also a to greatly get generally now, take so many people should take general situation as to weigh, however she still didn't give up the plan that goes together with Li Jian, she is really very curious to Li Jian, again way:"That I take owner to go to your home town how?What good thing does your home town have?"
"Do not go, don't go!"Li Jian hurriedly puts a hand, Kui this wench thinks come out, the star steals regiment if really went to the Earth, right on the spot the ball is that level, the also not enough star thief sticks between teeth to sew of, when the time comes, the Earth person only fell back primeval time to go to, but also not ability and treasure Be blue to say his/her own home town at major league outside of galaxy, short cut:"My home town is very poor, there is no good thing."
"So ……that even if, you want to be early some back."The treasure is blue this just loosens, in the heart but certain Li Jian's affirmation is deceiving her what.
Li Jian secretly breath a sigh of relief.
Leading again is two, Li Jian prepares everythings all about and check against Ling star give of detailed list a little bit pure goods of time discover to still differ several kind things, Li Jian goes to shell tower again the star seek the Luo in summer especially, from he there should be able to find out the thing that he wants, arrived summer Luo especially of in the bar, discover old dad of Huo gram also at.
"Boy, you is really good, unexpectedly give° the ice jail to offend to break."The Huo gram old dad stretches out thumb, soft-voiced Kua way.
Li Jian didn't answer and asked the Luo in summer to want one glass juice especially.
Huo gram old dad again way:"Just I not understand, why do you want to do like this?"
Li Jian Pie his one eye, still don't answer.
"Do not say even if, old man's house is just curious."The Huo gram old dad Song shrugs shoulders and claps Li Jian's shoulder, way:"Remind you for a while, the shell tower star comes to many strangers recently, I think most likely is blunt you, you have to be a little bit more careful."
Li Jian Yi Leng, conjecture this old man heart in again bring about some doubts on him, but didn't express, way:"Knew, thanked."
"The young man is quite good, than my young of time much stronger, ha ha, want this time what though say."Summer Luo especially passionate tunnel, put juice to Li Jian's in front.
Li Jian the thing that oneself want say, summer Luo especially say after two days can deliver goods, Li Jian lets again the Luo in summer help oneself to that several procedures that transport airship to carry out some necessities especially, this just leave.
Walk down the avenue, Li Jian Bian walks the side deliberate oneself to still have what lapse, suddenly, be vigilant in the heart,Beats by Dr Dre solo, see right against the face walk to come to 3 people.Two among those Li Jian knows, one is exactly a moxa Er a kind of insect, the another is the mediator ell Ni promise that lists as wanted him on the news, moreover is a youth of white tunic, a head of light hair, the forehead has two strange dots and gives the person the felling of the elegance dust.
Li Jian can't expose and at quiet wipe a shoulder with 3 people but lead, even now, white the tunic youth send out together small spirit to read dint on him scanning, Li Jian's deliberation should know that the other party has already known his real strenght to the project, he should express the reaction that corresponds with this real strenght, otherwise affirm be doubted, right away turn round Nu to scold a way:"Is alas, you are this guy, see you grow 5 persons six of, don't you understand rules?Detect other people's privacy like this?"
The Sa Jia is realized by the other party to oneself a little bit shocked, see the other party Nu scold, the momentary is stunned speechless.
The ell Ni promise doesn't think that asking for here is troublesome, hurriedly comes forward a dozen of circle fields, compensate a gift way:"Execuse me, sorry, my this friend is just temporarily curious."
Li Jian Gu makes the appearance of big degree, way:"Calculate, this time at enmity with you disputed."Finish saying to turn round to leave, keep good insurance in the heart.
"Sa Jia, how?"The ell Ni promise sees Sa Jia an ask a way on every occasion.
The Sa Jia peeps out a politic facial expression way:"Just past of the person, very strange, there are two different breathing on his body, an among those were covered up by the another a, although is very small, I still kept realizing."
"You are to say, this person at conceal some what."The ell Ni promise way.
"Rightness."The way of Sa Jia:"He while leaving, flash across in eye one silk anxious air, also have is this person just of animation is pack out, although he is angry, but the look in the eyes don't have a little emotion motion ……strange look in the eyes."The Sa Jia reads Dao.
Moxa Er once a kind of insect listen to and immediately think of, affirmation way:"Is him, he is to lean against camouflage to once cheat mine, but, no matter how he disguise, he that kind of special look in the eyeses can't change ……bastard, I see you running where!"The moxa Er a kind of insect Teng is empty to start to jump, keep making track for Li Jian, the opportunity that she is very not easy to fight for this time, be want to personally hold tight this bastard.
"Make track for!"The ell Ni promise says and also flies to the air.
Li Jian feels that the other party is made track for, although not clear oneself where leaked hoof, where dare also slowly walk, turn over a body to get to a piece of lawn up, escape into an underground all of a sudden to go to.
The moxa Er a kind of insect sent out cold energy of an ice from the air attack Li Jian, Li Jian escaped cold energy of ice that lawn congelation, green grass all became be as general as steel needle, the moxa Er a kind of insect saw the trace and shadow of having no Li Jian again urgently again Nu, but refused stubborn to know how sneaked in an underground, saw Sa Jia and ell Ni promise flying and asking a way:"Sa Jia can find out him?"
The Sa Jia is calm tunnel:"I am using to read dint to track, he the speed in the underground is very quick, you follow me."Say the Sa Jia floats to fly to go out.
The ell Ni promise keeps up with to ask a way:"What technical ability is this ?"
The way of Sa Jia:"If I doing not record is wrong, the technical ability used by him is to escape Shu, E, but he seemed to do some improvements, pure of escape Shu to have no so quickly."
The moxa Er a kind of insect asks a way:"Has way to force out him?"
At underground fast- shuttling Li Jian, feel after death a spirit read dint to track since then, inseparable, can hardly get away from, resist with the mentality is also nothing doing, so oneself can not with concentration escape, the other party is whichever he is hard to deal with, he sees reading of the other party dint thus difficult tie up, guessing that white tunic youth should be an idea to read a warrior, the idea reads the attack method of warrior mainly with the spirit read dint for lord, variety, the technical ability coming out by this development is also much extremely count, is the warrior that is the most difficult to tie up.
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